Monday, October 20, 2014

Post Trans magnetic Stimulation For Fibromyalgia 2014

Several months post Trans magnetic Stimulation

After TMS treatment I definitely noticed I  had some change in the way my pain was being processed within my body .
I would be able to walk to the car from inside my home and for the first time that small walk did not cause immense pain throughout my whole body.
My thinking ability was definitely clearer ,and for some weeks I could even say Fibro fog was gone !
I took less amount of pain relief medication and in particular the ones that were only kept for the intense flare ups were only now taken rarely.

The pain was still apparent and I was always aware of its presence but the intensity was so very different .

I found myself walking more often to which I was thrilled with as I loved walked and this had really decreased due to the nature of my pain .

If I had done too much my body would certainly still alert me and increase the pain but overall it appeared it was really making a difference in my daily life and allowing me opportunities that I had previously lost and was incapable of due to the pain .

It was infact so exciting I hated really sharing how much it had really helped as I felt a guilt within me that I couldn't share the result with other Fibromyalgia sufferers and also reduce their pain levels.

This change had been going along for a period of 6 weeks after the TMS trial for Fibromyalgia then one morning I awoke and suddenly like a bolt of lightening I knew the old familiar feeling that had once again slipped back into my body .
The overall full body ache I had that roved around every inch of my body ,made me struggle to move ,to get out of my bed, to walk ,to shower and to do all the daily tasks I had found easier for the past 6 weeks.

From that moment on my Fibromyalgia has stayed in a state of constant  flare ,roving from one area to the next and once again changing the way I need to look at how I move my body again , do certain things, pace myself but most of all ..... try to have a positive outlook and focus upon what I do have ,the things I treasure ,the love that surrounds me ..... and the hope that both myself and my family members have that ,one day I will find something that will bring new hope for those of us with this very challenging and somewhat debilitating condition .

The new hope may be in the TMS outcome from the trial that I participated in ..... in may take several years but there is always Hope ......