It actually really became cemented in my head on the weekend. I actually felt well enough to go out and you all know what a challenge trying clothes on is....when your out shopping...In particular if your like me and tend to pacrastanate alittle....there may sometimes be several shop stops and trying on.this particular day my energy level was up some and I felt pretty good...for me anyway...I was pretty off I went with loaded enthusiasm that I was actually going to do a little retail therapy....
With excitement within. Me....and a baby spring in my step....I headed to the shops as I was in desperate need of some new bras this was definitely a need!
The changing wasn't so fun as my limps felt like concrete weights as I tried on several bras....the effort was slow and tedious...It was then it really struck me as I looked at my body's an enormous mirror which made it seem so much more unsightly...Im talking about what I call "back fat"hideous amount of fat bulging from underneath my brain straps...It saddened me to see for the first time my fibro ridden body.....revealed in all its glory.... In that unnecessary... oversized mirror! Had also accumulated this....over time...Thanks Fibro for for the inability to do enough cardiovascular to drop off the
weight....I think that we eat very well,eating fresh things from garden and being a coeliac with IBS.
Concious of
what goes in my mouth and that I need to move my body each day....these gentle ball exercises are more my style with stretching exercises...walking...10min sessions on the exercise bike.As you can see these arnt the type to drop any access weight.
So....this was the straw that broke the camels back..."back Fat"and I have now started the Paleo Diet.
Day one and Immediently missed my GF rice porridge with cows milk...and the other many cups of tea that get me through the day....even if they are caffeine free....well that was just the the milk was difficult...and so I swapped to some herbal milk...and for brief moments felt proud....but still craved my milk.
I do like to indulge in my dairyproducts and decided that I would purchase Coconut milk as a i used it as a substitute in my evening cup of wasn't distasteful and I actually could get used to it.
I was thinking about how I had progressed through day 1 and just kept thinking of health and wellbeing in particular for my weight and Chronic Fatigue.
It was 2am in the morning and I became horrifically sick....I felt like if I moved I would vomit, at one point passed out and the whole night became a blur of naseaus,dizziness and pain throughout my body...
I tried to do some positive self talk when I fell out of bed to get ready for work...I didn't even make it to the kitchen...with sickness throughout my body...the dizziness overwhelming me...I fell to the closest couch...and stayed there for some time..
Today after slightly recovering I made my way back to bed with assistance from my hubby.In bed now have stayed for the duration of the 2 paleo diet....and the hope of future well being....and a reduction in back fat...
AM hoping the significant change in diet did not bring on an upheval of sorts...
I hope tomorow is a better day...less pain....and fatigue...and overall feeling of unwellness....
F is for....Fibromyalgia.....and of coarse....back "Fat"