Friday, May 30, 2014

My Fibro world update ...2014

Its been so long since last blogging my fibro fog had taken hold and it took a long time to even work out how to log on here again ...

Well here I am to just write about how my world of chronic pain has been travelling .
Since last November things appear to have spiralled out of control .I recovered somewhat from bladder surgery and slowly returned to my norm with the exception that my bladder no longer functioned ...

I had no sensation whatsoever to have a wee ,no matter how much I drank or no matter what was tried medically to induce this .

It is now 6 months later and I am managing with my new additions of  an indwelling catheter and urinary leg bag.
It all sounds shocking and friends and family have certainly been both shocked surprised and saddened by the event.
It seems to me it is certainly a daily challenge with additional tasks to do they take longer ,they require my hands to do more ,my legs to support more and my mind to be always aware and extra vigilant with managing it .

The constant knowing that it is there and at times pulling and feeling of additional discomfort .Some days the leg straps  of the bag is a tight pressure I find hard to stand and between pressure and pulling there are some days there is no release from the agitating discomfort.
Nights are interesting when I change the bag to the night bag, it resembles an A4 size and tubing much longer to hang from my body to the floor for safe  and  free flowing drainage .
come morning time there is another long, precise hygienic procedure necessary to even begin the day .That's of coarse on top of what's occurring with my Fibro ridden body .
Additionally then you need to consider what is appropriate to wear with the leg bag ....
Most of my skirts and dresses sit just above my knee so I have had to alter what I wear and keep this is mind each and every day ,this way I ensure that it is not obviously visible ,as it does hang just below my knee cap .

I have now adjusted to the daily routines involved but at the same time this appears to have provided a constant flare with my fibro .My whole body aching constantly ,tightening of trunk like the vice is being tightened every hour that passess.The ever constant shoulder, arm and hand pain which is unfortunately increased with attending to my bag requirements .

So for now trying to manage and move a little forward ,my steps seem to be moving backwards and the pain only increasing as each day passes.
I have tried some significant dietary changes which have been trailed for several months,unfortunately this has not decreased any pain levels .My pain specialist has now reached the end of his suggested list of medications and we are now in discussions about treatments that are non pharmaceutical .
He has discussed the option of intracranial magnetic stimulation ,similar in its approach as an MRI but working on the specific part of brain that causes pain .It has not yet been used for a pain condition alone so we are working through the process to see if I may be able to access it for my fibromyalgia pain.

I am following up with the NIM clinic which is National Integrative Medical Clinic where they use
use  evidence based ,conventional and complementary medicine .I am very interested in the IV vitamin therapy which is administered by IV ,bypassing the intestine where many problems are preventing it from being absorbed ,its then administered straight into the cells .

So trying to get back to a sometimes smile ,and believe that I have a couple of options ahead of me ,providing me with a little hope for the coming months.

F .... is for ..... Freedom ... that I so seek ....

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