For those that are followers you will know I Am referring to my Fibro unwanted visits....
The gorgeous sunshinny weather and lack of sudden barametic pressure change has scared him away...for this I am truly greatful..
It has been in the mid twenties the past couple of days and I have even completed the following tasks...
Have been to my work two mornings straight!!! Ever so exited about work!
Went out for coffee with my daughter and grandaughter today...and even was able to nurse her very briefly....Yah!!!!!!!!!
Attended my new Fibromyalgia group meeting the other evening....and considering I have worked so hard to get it up and happening locally....I'm loving I have managed to hold myself together for it.
If any Fibromites are reading this you will probably know...
Although my two days have been amazing....I actually have still had pain and required pain relief....
But overall...I say thank you to mother nature and the beauty she has shared with me this week.
We'll I would love to also share the sucessfulness of my Fibromyalgia support group,we even had a few more attendees this week,and some family members...
It's going so well...the group....only up to the fourth meeting has already built a comaradary of sorts...and friendships...and the group dynamics beggining to form.
Everyone is brave...
And honestly shares their story, feelings and worries openly....there appears no apprehension....and there is something special about the group support given to others on an evening in need.
Such resilient.....and open group... of people....Their amazing.....
For those reading this that are Fibro sufferers....your welcome to also visit my new Facebook Page that I made for our group...
In hope it helps and resources all fibromites. And family members out there... To a better state of health and wellbeing and a fibromyalgia community.Please feel free to would be great for any of you to drop by and say hi.
Here's hoping I manage another better day tomorrow...
And actually make it to my Hydro Therapy class...
Will keep you posted....night night....
F is for Future......and what may lay ahead???!
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