Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 1&2 -Trans Magnetic Stimulation Trial for Fibromyalgia

The purpose of this trial is to investigate the use of repetative  TMS as a treatment for the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.Experience has shown people with Fibromyalgia may have an inbalance in the excitability or activity levels of the cells in the brain.TMS appears to work by changing the excitable the cells of the brain arewhich may help reduce,or alleviate Fibromyalgia symptoms.Several studies support the use of TMS in the treatment of Fibromyalgia,however these effects are usually only brief,in this study we will trial a longer treatment coarse to explore wether the effects of TMS can be extended.
This insert is taken from Participant information sheet/consent form version 4.Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre.

I arrive to begin treatment with a mixture of nervousness and excitment.After finalising a load of pain questionaires I was taken to my treatment room.

I was required to lay reclined in a comfy chair while the lovely clinical nurse which is what he was referred to took me through the process verbally.

It appeared to take along time to set the machine up precisely  to suit my head.Measurments were taken and   light tapping began as the correct positioning was identifying where to position the head piece of machine correctly.

It was then time to begin,i felt an overwhelming surge of unknown rise within me as a tear briefly came to my eyes surface.

Within a moment quick sharp motions began tappin g on head in short bursts of sequences.

With each sequence  i was asked if the intensity could be increased.The sensation was very unusual and nothing i had exeperienced before .it feels like a woodpecker bird pecking at you and becoming stronger at each interval.

Here is the image of my machine used for this treatment....

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