Friday, May 24, 2013

9 weeks after treatment

 Today I  finished my day at work,walking to my car I could feel my unwanted visitor surge through my entire body.
He had entered at the base of my neck,working his way down my spine,and infused himself into all the tiny bones in my feet....All at once.
The autumn sun was beggining to hide for the day,and the air felt crisper upon my face,I had earlier put on my coat on, but the weight of my coat wore me down,and I felt like each step toward my car were concrete laden ones....
Upon reaching my car I slowly removed what felt like a weight coat.
My home was close by...and so once  again .....I dragged my fatigued,overtaken body into my home.

It's early evening, I eaten a small tea,but done nothing else....,rested,demanded massage...and am feeling like I don't have enough strength to engage with grumpy.....

Luckily my family are loving and warm,it's evident my pain is high and Exhaustion has set in.

It's now early evening and I've taken myself to bed,in hope  the warm will reduce the pain,have listened to a Relaxation CD....too no avail....

So this is me 9 weeks later....after treatment...which I still feel has moved..or shifted my unwanted visitor...he is still not as persistent early in the morning....he usually now waits to implode in me at about 10am....and he sneaks in early slowly and now works up to it....a kind of new tactic since treatment.
So I'm seeing that as positive.... Even though right now he's even making his way into my sure he knows I'm writing about him.
He's eased into my though they need an oil...Until he sends a surge of himself right through from big knuckles to the tips of my fingers.If he were electricity,he would have caused a spike and caused our computers to shut down, with permanent damage.So.....if I try to be positive....I can just think....that it will settle later....and my fingers will continue to work....although.....there are many costly workmen..and women......looking at and working with this inefficient piece of human machinery....
Aaahhh.......and its still not working well....

F is for..... Fibro....Friday...

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