Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hands on approach......

Sorry have not been here for a week or so,have just returned to work this week for mornings only, at this stage.
So this is how the week progressed.....At the beginning I was so exited to get back to work...I love my work and those I work with.....

Day one I spent so much time sitting it was ridiculous, so I had to constantly remind myself to change this old Behaviour....
This was difficult.....everyone wanted to chat upon my return to find out all about the treatment so I needed to stand up , stretching whilst talking,probably looked bizzare but I felt it was helping and was within my new sitting times of pacing myself.

Morning went quickly and before I knew it I was heading to hydro therapy.

The water felt freezing and it seemed difficult to progress through my exercises.Hip pain, shoulder pain was beginning to slow me down,had many breaks and floated around the pool to relax.This pacing made a huge difference, I was bitterly cold and decided to end my session,think this was aggravating my body.
Result from day one, with migraine upon me.....think the high level of pool chlorine did this.....

Rest, relaxation CD and massage........

The week progressed and so did the migraine......went to bed very early each night so I could cope the next day at work.

Changing Hydro pools.......too cold, stinky.....and feel it made me sick......well....sicker......actually....

Loved being back at work...If only for short periods.have had busy week,after work Friday though I would venture out for a Chai with my girls....

I thought that I had paced myself.....but we needed to return home as fatigue was extremely the time I reached home the dreaded Fibro had forced himself to again visit me.....I felt totally immediently overwhelmed!! With a full body ache edging on the highest of pain scores......tears streaming down my face....I again reached for medication and hot pack....I fell onto the security of my couch in the warmth of the cosy loungeroom.

I was very shocked and surprised that I did not see my visitor creep up upon me.....I was smart.vigilant and doing all the things that I was instructed to do...but he was still able to overwhelm me. This flare up was major and left me feeling so ... drained of energy and possibly of a little hope too.

Things have been going wonderfully!!! Until this....
Just goes to show the tretury that this fibro can bring upon us at any time,...... With no warning,he can enter our personal space....our home....overwhelm all our family members....take away our quality of life.....time....strength and will fight the next battle.

He is not compassionate,nor weak and likes to have power over all, particularly those who have less ability to fight the bigger fights......

It's now I can say it's a couple of days down the track.....and I'm feeling brighter....stronger to continue my battle to get back into this new lifestyle I have worked so hard too.....

This little video is nice to view to remind yourself where you should really be heading....and what you really should be thinking.

Free to type  above into Web browser....

So recently have read about many newcomers wanting info and ideas for Fibromyalgia,below there are some listed strategies.....from Fibromyalgia Network.....

Medications can help reduce your fibromyalgia symptoms, but the side effects sometimes can be a limiting factor. You will also notice that your muscles don’t work like they used to. Not only do they hurt, they can be stiff and restrict your range of motion. The most common areas for muscle pain is in the shoulders, thighs, chest, and back of neck and head—but other areas can be troublesome as well.1 These painful muscles often have rope-like bands in them. If you press along this band you will find nodules that really hurt. These are myofascial trigger points, and they not only cause tremendous pain at the knotted area, they also shoot pain to other muscle regions.

Hands-on Approaches

Massage: Patients rate professional massage as their top non-drug therapy for treating the muscle pain of fibromyalgia. You will need to find a therapist who can give you a very gentle (low pressure) massage until you know how you will respond

Osteopathic Manipulation: Osteopaths are trained in a variety of hands-on approaches to ease muscle pain. An example is strain-counterstrain (or positional release), which allows the tight muscles to relax and loosen up the knots that cause so much trigger-point pain. You can learn to do some of these techniques at home.

Neuro-muscular Adjustment: Small muscles near the many tiny joints along the spine could be involved in the development of myofascial trigger points. Gentle manipulation of the spine and nearby muscles may offer relief for low back pain and certain types of headaches, although the mechanism is not fully understood.

Acupuncture: This alternative therapy can reduce pain and fatigue, but the results for fibromyalgia may vary. Make sure you find a licensed practitioner who has experience treating fibromyalgia. Research shows that the additional use of a cupping technique with the acupuncture produces better results.
Trigger Point Therapies
In addition to the many hands-on therapies listed above, you may benefit from several other approaches designed to treat trigger points, ease muscle pain, and restore function.

Trigger Point Injections: A needle with anesthetic (such a lidocaine) is injected into the eye of the trigger point to force it to release the knotted contraction. This procedure should be followed directly by a gentle massage of the area and then on/off application of a cold pack to reduce initial pain. This technique is reserved for stubborn trigger points.2

Low Level Laser Therapy: This can be a non-invasive way to apply energy deep into the trigger points of muscles with the goal of getting them to relax.8 Studies show that laser therapy produces mixed results, with some but not all patients benefitting from it. Note: lasers you can purchase inexpensively on the Internet are not effective.

Stretch with Heat/Coolant: Muscles with trigger points cannot just be stretched because they will recoil and produce more trigger points. Application of heat relaxes the muscle so they can be gently stretched (never stretch to the point of pain). Coolant topicals work as an anesthetic to enable a light stretch of the muscle as well. Both techniques can often ease muscle tightness and pain.2

Manual Therapies: Myofascial release and trigger-point focused therapies are often done by massage and physical therapists. These are two example
s of alternative approaches designed to relieve the pain of tight muscles that have trigger points.4
Lidoderm Patches and Topicals: Lidoderm patches contain 5 percent lidocaine and require a prescription.9 They can be cut into fourths and applied to painful trigger points. After four days of continuous application, research shows the pain is often greatly reduced. Other topicals may be applied to sooth sore muscles as well.

Movement Therapies
Intense exercise can cause your symptoms to flare, even though you may have been an athlete before developing fibromyalgia. The key to staying fit is to find activities that you enjoy. Keep in mind that frequent rest breaks have been found to tone down the pain caused by vigorous exercise. The point is, don’t overdo it because this will only set you back.

Aerobics: Consider starting with a warm water therapy program, especially if your pain levels are really high. It’s easier on the muscles and joints to be in the water, and the warmth is usually soothing. Once you have made progress, you might move to land-based activities two to three times a week. Walk at a pace that you can still carry on a conversation.Explore aerobic activities that you enjoy and go at a comfortable self-pace.

Tai Chi: This movement form is coordinated with deep breathing and relaxation. You should avoid kicks and aggressive movements that may overstretch your muscles. Stay on two feet until you gain confidence.This is the one I can't wait to do when I have refined my strength and endurance.Saw a group in the park....and wished I was one of them.....

Yoga: Gentle stretching movements while focusing on rhythmic breathing can help loosen muscles, improve physical function, ease stiffness and reduce pain. It is important to find a restorative type of yoga class with a teacher who will accommodate your specific needs or limitations.

Isometric Strengthening: Keeping up your strength is important, but not if it drains you of energy. Isometrics involve pressing against a stationary object (or you can use both arms or legs as resistance) for six seconds while breathing to make sure your muscles have oxygen. It does not consume lots of energy, but a 10-minute-a-day program can keep your muscles toned.

Nutritional Aids
A few small treatment trials show that the nutritional supplements below may be beneficial for reducing your fibromyalgia symptoms, but larger studies are really needed.

Magnesium/Malic Acid/B vitamin Complex: Malic acid is a key sugar that is broken down in the muscles to make energy. Both magnesium and the B vitamins (B1 and B6) are needed for this process. One small study showed that this combo of supplements reduced muscle pain in fibromyalgia patients.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids: These oils are often referred to as anti-oxidants. They neutralize chemical byproducts that might otherwise harm your cell membranes and interfere with their ability to function. The best formulas contain roughly 500 mg of EPA and 500 mg of DHA (both omega 3s). DHA makes up about 15 percent of your brain’s gray matter and it is vital for protecting your brain cells. A small study indicates that 2,500 mg of EPA/DHA combined per day helps ease fibromyalgia pain.Other larger studies show this supplement reduces triglycerides, protects your cardiovascular system, and works as a mild anti-depressant.
Anti-oxidants (Vitamins E and C): These two vitamins work as anti-oxidants to protect your cells and one study in fibromyalgia patients showed that this combination reduced the symptoms.
Melatonin and Valerian: Melatonin is not a powerful hypnotic, but it can regulate your body’s internal clock to improve the quality of your sleep.Valerian is an herb that does have sedating properties that may ease you into sleep.
5-HTP: This molecule is easily absorbed and readily enters the brain where it is converted into serotonin (must be avoid with medications that boost serotonin). Increasing brain serotonin is believed to improve mood, and if taken at night could help some people sleep.
Acetyl L-Carnitine: A small trial in fibromyalgia patients showed that 500 mg of Acetyl L-Carnitine taken three times a day helped ease the pain and fatiguing symptoms of this condition.

It is hoped this listing will provide some support for someone out there....

Thinking of beautiful things for the coming week......

F is for forward......

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Magical Magnesium.....

So....the question to Magnesium the magical supplement for Fibromyalgians.....

Well of coarse as us fibro friends know there is no miracle cure.I have although noticed since taking a daily dose of 500mg of Magnesium that I have began to notice some positive change.

Now do bear in mind my changes also come after my Ketamine treatment so not sure which is truly waving the magical wand my way...

I have noticed that my sleeping is so much has more peaceful for the past couple of weeks.
So for those reading this that do not have Fibromyalgia....Sleep is rarely peaceful of us Fibromyalgians...we toss, turn and fight against the persistent pain that haunts our bodies and weakens our mind with the sleep deprivation night after night....with no end to it in sight...

I have not struggled to get to sleep and have had significant reduction and sometimes no pain during the night!Its amazing to roll over without an agonizing pain awakening me...and those dredded irritable legs and chronic foot  cramps are also gone......its great to feel as though there are no longer a army of angry ants crawling through my legs.

So here in lies the Magnesium magical......I don't know but felt the need to share some information that I found around Fibro patients having low Magnesium levels , I apologize in advance as was unable to upload related tables.

Please read below information and I hope that if you are not already taking Magnesium supplement for your Fibro, that you may now consider it.......

Magnesium Treats Fibromyalgia Pain
by Kristin Thorson, Editor, Fibromyalgia Network
Posted: January 31, 2012
Why would magnesium reduce your fibromyalgia symptoms, and how does the addition of an old drug, amitriptyline, improve its effectiveness? Similarities certainly exist between the clinical symptoms of fibromyalgia and magnesium deficiency, such as muscle pain, cramping, headache, and poor sleep. But do fibromyalgia patients have low levels of magnesium? The answer is mixed because it all depends on which part of the blood is sampled.

A study headed up by Selda Bagis, M.D., of Turkey, helps clarify the link between magnesium deficiency, your symptoms, and how supplementation therapy might play a role in fibromyalgia.*

First Bagis looked at the magnesium levels in the serum (clear liquid fraction of the blood contai
ning nutrients but no cells) and the red blood cells (loaded with oxygen and sugar needed by the muscles). She compared the results of fibromyalgia patients to that of age-matched healthy control subjects. She also checked to see if any symptoms corresponded to the magnesium levels in the serum and red blood cells.

Overall, Bagis found the lower the magnesium level, the greater the fibromyalgia-related symptoms. The symptoms associated with reduced magnesium in the serum and the red blood cells are listed in Table 1 below.

Low serum magnesium levels also corresponded to an increase in sleep disorders and gastric upset. This makes sense because magnesium is involved in the production of the sleep-promoting hormone, melatonin, and it is a known agent for settling the stomach (e.g., Milk of Magnesia). On the other hand, the red blood cells cannot provide oxygen and glucose fuel for powering muscle movements unless ample magnesium is present.  So lower levels of this mineral in red blood cells would likely influence muscle symptoms, such as the number of tender points and the patient’s pain rating.

The second part of Bagis’ study was to compare the effectiveness of three different therapies for treating fibromyalgia (using three groups of 20 patients each): 300 mg of magnesium citrate, 10 mg of amitriptyline (an inexpensive antidepressant that works similar to Cymbalta), and the combination of the two therapies (300 mg of magnesium citrate plus 10 mg of amitriptyline). The trial lasted for eight weeks and all treatments were taken in the evening.

Antidepressants that increase both serotonin and norepinephrine at the nerve junction are often prescribed to treat pain because they supposedly work by bolstering the spinal cord’s pain fighting system. It would be important to know if a commonly prescribed medication eases different symptoms than magnesium or if the combo might work synergistically to reduce the impact of fibromyalgia. Table 2 shows a comparison of the three different treatment approaches.

“We found that magnesium supplementation was effective on reducing muscle tenderness and functional status,” says Bagis. “But amitriptyline plus magnesium supplementation was more effective on all parameters than either treatment alone.”

The sedating effects of amitriptyline likely led to the reported improvements in sleep (in addition to increasing serotonin, it also works like an anti-histamine). In turn, this may have improved next-day energy levels. However, Bagis cautions this was a short-term study and the drug may lose potency over time. Magnesium, on the other hand, should not lose its effectiveness with continued use.

The use of magnesium at bedtime appears to be able to augment the impact of standard fibromyalgia treatments. In addition, Bagis found magnesium levels are lower in fibro patients compared to healthy controls, and these lower levels appear to be associated with many commonly reported symptoms for this condition.

“All of these findings support the fact that magnesium plays an important role in the development of fibromyalgia,” claims Bagis. Regardless of what your current treatments are, you may talk to your doctor about adding 300 mg per night of magnesium citrate. Although this dose produced minor gastrointestinal irritation in the study participants, keep in mind all fibromyalgia patients are different and you may need to adjust the dose accordingly.

Just thought it worth sharing incase it is something  that you may not yet thought of......
Sweet dreams my fibro friends.. And... followers......

F is for Flowers......the ones I was able to be Fortunate enough to garden amongst today.......

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bright....bright....sunshinny day.....

When I awoke this morning I could do nothing else but get ready to spend some long awaited time in my garden.

The brightness of the day was calling.....and I once again wanted to experience some earthiness for myself.I considered all I have recently learnt about myself and this condition and applied all the new pacing steps needed.To make sure I was finally able to enjoy the fresh air and sunshinny day.

It seemed so different to know that I was only going to garden for about ten minutes.....but instead of questioning or resisting this as I would have in the past with my fighting fibro attitude......I peacefully enjoyed my ten  minute stint of pulling weeds.

After a nice morning tea in the garden....I then re applied myself to the task.I really felt alive....with no severe pain shooting or flowing through my body it was an incredible feeling. What once would have ended in tears, medication and a body and mind struggling to cope for an entire next day.Today was entirely different.....It was finally the rainbow I had been praying for,  for so long......

This really felt like that allusive pot of gold was not too far away.......

I glanced around to see how much of my garden bed I had side was nearly weed free and looking great.I could only feel proud.....of the achievement and the mornings journey to reach where I was now standing.Every ten minutes....I stopped and took a twenty minute break....walk around garden,stretches,music.....whatever it took to be able to be pain free....

The journey appeared to very drawn out .....but it now seems that with the once really didn't matter at all how long it took.

I just needed to remember it's not about the destination but the journey along the way.........

I should definitely not stating there is no longer any pain or discomfort.....
.but the  change I'm feeling is quiet remarkable......and its really only early days after my treatment.

The pot of gold actually seems like it may even be within my reach......

Heres  to more beautiful sunshinny days......

F is for Fortunate.....and........ Fortune.......

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Awareness......State of ability to perceive,  feel, to be conscious of events. ,objects and or sensory patterns.........

For those of you who are not yet  familiar with this purple ribbon above it is our Fibromyalgia awareness ribbon.

I really wanted to reflect upon my Current state of awareness.......
I am truly aware that today was one of the best days I have had for years............

I am feeling very aware of the following ...

Today I had minimum pain and fatigue......
Today I was able to increase my gym,  hyro,  and number of stretching that I do without having to stop with  complete pain,fatigue or both.
I did not take any additional pain relief.......
I enjoyed going for my walk.....which was today increased to eight minutes........
TodY when I was in hydro the water was still, clean and the gorgeous rays of sun shone upon the water to create a dappled shimmer effect.....

It was beautiful and relaxing........
Today I felt for the first time ever that hope had really entered my world....I could feel that with each increase of exercise or slight movement my body was coping....was stronger.....and more vibrant that it has been for so very long.

Today I was able to play with my seven month old grandaughter......without total fatigue overcoming my whole body....
And no longer allowing our bonding to occur....
I was able to nurse, jiggle, sing,dance and play on the floor.......
This event truly brought about the clarity of my awareness.......
Yes it was truly the best day for so very.....very.....long.....
Thank you to my beautiful button for bringing such sunshine into our lives......

After hydro today I went and sat beside the of my favorite spots....ive not  been able to enjoy it this year. It was previously a daily routine to walk after work with a friend around the lake....for as many Kms that my wretched body would stand....the most I could ever push myself for Was for three KM......anyway this had ceased this year when my Fibromyalgia spiraled out of control.

I sat beside my lake at the beauty that had been missing from my life and used some positive self talk.....although I am not ready to leap up to do a lap...
I told myself with the lovely peaceful image in front of me would again be possible ...
When it is possible ...... I will be able to truly be able to enjoy the experience.....
So I sat.....

And that's the positive self talk I needed to do for my positive changes .As far as my brain previously knows from past experience...... this lake meant a whole lot of pain and fatigue that would overcome me........this will no longer be the case......and its time to re train my thought patterns around what positives will be....

So through this treatment the huge thing that I did want to share with fellow sufferers is the following...
This is about Awareness and self monitoring....

Self monitoring refers to our ability to be aware of how our body is coping with a particular task.By really listening to what your body is telling you,you can often avoid getting to the stage of total exhaustion or in teased pain .If your body is beginning to feel tired or fatigued,stop and rest,even if you are in the middle of an activity. By doing this ,you will allow your body to replenish some of the lost energy,  and you will avoid getting to the stage where your body is completely exhausted. Recognise good and bad days......and plan ahead to make sure you can have rests or  break up tasks into smaller sections.Its also very beneficial to have a strategy list on the fridge, when you have experience exceeded your limits and are  no longer coping....
You can refer to listing for a strategy......Eg..heat pack ...
Muscle rub......tap turners....
Gardening sponge knee covers....
Long handled brush and shovel....

Before logging off for the night I can actually say with all my heart that I dont now feel so overcome by this terrible incideous condition.....(certainly not at the moment )'s more like this now...

F is for.....Fibromyalgia and ..... Future.....

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Exercise .....Exercise......Exercise...... now feels as though this is all I'm not complaining as it was just a four week period ago that I could never had done any of this!

So Much feeling greatful for this......have hit a stumbling block at hydro today not sure as to why....Fibro decided to visit and rest within my hips.
It was a bit of a struggle but I made  sure I rested after each routine and  finished a bit earlier exhausted I mustered the energy to be able  to have a moment in the water with my gorgeous grandaughter and daughter....amazing the lengths love will push your body....

Finished with some relaxing body floats......

I still need to complete my hand exercises will do this a little later after a break...
Have been trying so hard to provide my hands  with my new learnt hand breaks.....and have found my amazing new tap turner to be working fantastic for me!

So if any others Fibro sufferers are wondering this is on all size taps....

This was the item that was used for a daily quiz when people entered my room in hospital many people thought it was a massager.....and my hubby....bless him thought some kind of brush??????

Anyway lots of work to be done with hand and upper limbs.....over time I will be fortunate to build my muscle tone...once again....and return to the more joyful things in life.....actually even the every day items will be really good.

We'll time to Gain bring my hands as this....I now know causes a flare........

Goodnight to all....remember when your challenged....... surround yourself with things you enjoy that bring the sunshine into your day.....

Friday, July 13, 2012


Have felt a high level of fatigue for the past couple of days......with this exercise. ,and that.....ball exercises.....weight....hand and upper body exausted trying to put everything into everyday home routine......and I'm not even back at work yet.....

Fatigue does not rest for business.....or recovery........

Nevermind.....I worked through a huge challenge the other night and feel rewarded for my hard work!
I could feel Fibro trying to sneak once again back into my room to again weigh upon my chest.

I quickly took some pain meds and with a positive approach thought.... No way are you going to over come me tonight! I put in my ear plugs and began my new relaxation journey into the forest....this was a Relaxation CD the hospital had provided me with.

I couldn't believe it I somehow lost him a few times within the forest and drifted off to sleep.....yah......
I might add that when Fibro visits and lands within my chest and ribs  .....usually ends in a dramatic Visit to hospital for further pain I'm really exited.....

I feel this is a huge achievement.....
Barometric pressure is very low today and I'm feeling pretty good...its actually really nice to be able to say these words.They usually don't roll off my tongue too often.

 I  have been thinking......and without Fibro fog.......
About the gratitude I feel for amazing family and friends that have visited,called and sent warm wishes during this recovery time.There is a certain someone out there, she probably won't read this......I don't think she knows how to get on to the blog yet......has been a pillar of strength,  wisdom,  warmth.....
Her generous  true nature has assisted in making this treatment so much smoother....comfortable....and workable for all of know that we had her open generosity to recoup for a couple of days in between treatments.....and be loved......has really supported the process so much!
We love you. JJ.........
Hope you enjoyed a catch up on childhood stories with that crazy hubby of mine......I know the time has been meaningful to us all ....hugs and kisses to you always......

It is true times like this truly do show how much people do care about you.....I don't think I knew how many people cared about's an interesting thing when you have a chronic can't be very active or social and when you finally stop going out and being social.....eventually.....along the way you loose some friends....or who you thought were your it's actually a sad long journey..... It's difficult for some to understand an invisible condition.........but it has now  re ignited and strengthened my hope in the human race.......with the recent warmth I have received from people.

I stepped outdoors before to tackle my baseline walk of 7 minute....sounds funny I know.....but it's so far going well other than fatigue so hopefully I will increase to 8 minutes next week.Sun has finally come out after heavy rain and icy winds for days.....the warmth of the sun radiating on me was beautiful.. Although it's probably around 12 degree out there it seemed bright and refreshing ...looking forward to more of this in future.....

Things have progressed well through the day.....and all exercises are completed...feeling good about that.....just really fatigued today.

F is  for Fatigue.......

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fiesty Flare Up.......

So as today's heading indicates there has indeed been a flare up.

Now upon reflection I didn't behave badly....and go beyond a baseline or limit....
I was doing an exercise that I call  "chicken wings "and I actually felt it immediently....I think I was tensing too much and holding on to the muscle for too long.....

I could feel in my upright standing position my Fibromyalgia visitor sneek into the room and surprise me with his presence....I was armed this time....with the big "S" .......strength and strategies......

I got some caring hands to rub the area gently with a particular rub I find soothing.....and immediently rested my hotti onto the area and lay and rested for a short while.

There are both....Preventative strategies and relieving strategies.....

My strategy this time was a preventative.....So to ensure what I was experiencing was not going to get worse.
My relieving strategy this day was to modify my program as follows......I chose not to go go hydro todaY but instead did ensure that I still completed my whole hydro exercise program.....just not within the water.I also did take pain relief as soon as my visitor un expectantly arrived and tried to consume me...Ha Ha to him.....he did not totally get me.......and I urged myself to slowly move forward with my new rehabilitation steps....

So I urge all Fibromyalgians out need to make a 3 column list...
In the first column.....Triggers...... Eg:Gardening

In the second column.....Preventative strategies.....Eg:pacing ,rest breaks,comfortable kneeling pads

In the third column........Relieving strategies.......Eg:tea break with family member in garden.relaxation music,hot pack,massage

I am not saying it will help everyone but for those of you that are visual learners like's great.....

F is for......Fiesty..........

Monday, July 9, 2012

Rain....Rain.... Go Away.........

Rain rain go away......I'm sure  is what many people in the state of Victoria are thinking....
This is about what it looks like when I look out the Window.

I'm not thinking like this at all....instead I'm feeling the freshness...wet.....and the smell the rain brings along with the sounds of the residential plovers squawking as they attempt their flying with the heaviness of wings.
Really enjoying watching the greenery out in the garden even become greener......

Since returning home from my Fibromyalgia treatment I feel as though I have opened the garden gate only to step into  my  garden  to find somehow its all a little different now....

It's not that it looks any different but somehow things have altered and I'm not sure what those things are.....I feel very bright and positive.The changes ......there will be days go on  there still will be many challenges.

At present I'm just taking a day at a time,doing stretches....Hydro.....Gym....and relaxation.....
I'm still wrapping my head around pacing concepts and base walking for only 7 minutes at a time.As a busy working mum these things will be my daily challenges.

Feeling great in comparison to a couple of weeks ago and can see a brighter future ahead.....

"Patience is not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while you wait "

F is for......Fortunate......

Friday, July 6, 2012

Home to where the heart lies......

In a couple of hours I'm going home.......    To my beautiful family..........Yeah.........

Day 10 - Chronicle......

Today is my last day of being an inpatient for the treatment of my Fibromyalgia.......

I'm going to reflect upon my journey so far.....

My pain has so far definitely been reduced...
I have had many positive interactions with all medical staff...
I have had support and guidance and knowledge. ...for future steps
I have  been fortunate and been able to even have some lovely Gluten Free meals

I have missed all my family so very much....and had tears over this.....
I have missed my friends and the joy they bring to my life...

I have missed the ability to come and go with the freedom that home life allows....and being able to enjoy the simple things like fresh air,  rain,wind , looking at the clouds, garden and daiIy changes that  happen in your own world.

The simple things like enjoying seeing and greeting your dog when you arrive home,the evening snuggle you have with your cat....And the many other bits and pieces that I have left behind for the past few weeks.
Upon reflection not only have I missed many of my wordly comforts , I have gained so much more education than I had anticipated.......have one on one intense support, both physical and emotional as I have ventured into this relatively unknown territory .

I have to say a thank you to two amazing....Nurses that I had consistent care with here at Camberwell .Their dedication , compassion and attention was near to perfect ....Thank you to Christine and Mary For bringing the sunshine into our rooms.....

I'm now beginning to think of going home tomorrow,and how this new life will begin to take shape once leaving the security of this caring environment.

I am very exited to be truly now being given a new opportunity and different chance at a better life.I will embrace this with both hands......and begin to take the first steps along this new pathway.....
Will continue to blog as I travel further down this pathway......

Thank you to the Epworth team.

F is for...........Faith....Fate......Fresh.....Freedom.......

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 9 - PM Chronicle -" With our thoughts we make the world "

I was very diligent this morning before my Hydro session,which I was again looking forward to.....

My diligence unfortunately.......has weighed on me for the continuation of the day.
I was frustrated the other day when I found their was an exercise I was really having difficulty with, so what I believed to be in my wisdom..........was in actual fact detrimental.....I was really trying to get this exercise example exactly right,wanted to of coarse be able to show my Physiologist that I could do it......(before hydro)

When I began my Hyro this morning I immediately  began to feel my dreaded Fibro visitor.....
What did he think......I think it is a he......somehow anyway......Oh my goodness.....I thought what are you doing here.......In MY Hydro session!

Moments later I found myself immediently bouncing into another very new mode.
I thought .......I can do this but will change my approach and adapt to this.....In between each set of exercises I rested...for me that mean's that I have a peaceful float around.

As the fatigue began to move through my body I then made a decision to end my session 5 minutes earlier.I knew that 1 step further pushing would end in possible distress,  more pain and a higher level of fatigue.

I was really proud that I was able to make these choices.....and also needed to make other similar choices throughout the day.

Will see how this progresses throughout the night......feeling positive.
Am going to step by step build myself up.....and bit by bit get stronger and stronger......I know it will take time and will not be easy......starting from the very beginning and re training my brain.....this is my new promise of hope to myself....

"God give me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,  
And the wisdom to know the difference."

F is for forgivness..........

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 9 - AM Chronicle - "With our thoughts we make the world "

Feeling well rested as it was a  relatively pain free night for me.....only my hotti was needed.....yah.....

So during the night I have been thinking about how Cognition effects our Behaviour.....

They motivate us to to do things that are consistent with our goals such as exercising regularly, keeping in touch with friends, and family.
Our cognitions also give way to self defeating behaviors  such as isolating ourselves,  neglecting our health,  and avoiding activities.
Cognitions give way to our helpful and unhelpful behaviours.

So helpful thoughts behaviours such as surrounding ourselves with favorite images,family. , friends, taking time to do some little thing that we enjoy and find reward for are all very important!

It's all about self care.....

F is for.....Family....Friendships......Feminine.....Fun.....Fashion.......Flowers.......

Day 8 - Chronicle - Dedicated Professionals

Have had my amazing Hydro Therapy session,although I was using the muscles that haven't been used in so long......the warmth and peaceful flow  of water and movement over my body was great.

I so...... Love being in the water!

This was a perfect way to begin the day.From here ....was my Occupational Therapy session which was interesting as we experimented with Bio Feedback. Worked through some upper body exercises and discussions that  revolved around establishing some of my base lines.My lovely gentle OT Christie is very caring and I'm feeling like I'm in great hands even though I am a little apprehensive and nervous at times.Some things are pretty daunting when they involve your every day "normal"activities that you really don't ever think too much about or  even consider.I  guess it's a bit like explaining to a stranger What you downfalls and limitations are........and there are currently many....Its going to be a total different approach for me with many of my daily tasks...... Down this positive  new road of mine.......

Oh I forgot to mention my morning  Physiotherapist session, I'm being Educated by Tash who has a great approach of explaining what pain is and how our brain function works with it.As days have gone on I have warmed to her more and have decided she would be a good Educator/Presenter  to pain patient groups.,or other less experienced Physio.....If she is not already doing so.

Fortunately break time amongst  all this Hard work....time to rest for a short time.....
Time does not stop long for fatigue.......

Lapping Richard pays me a visit,still pasty looking like yesterday....he explains how he's really exhausted now!!!I think he forgotten he'd had heart surgery and been doing 50 laps a day......
We are both exhausted looking....and sharing our common shared feelings....
This rehabilitation pushes you emotionally and physically........but only to achieve better things......

Time to now introduce Rochelle the Exercise Physiologist who has this amazing surge of energy zipping through her head and veins......She is also lovely and at the same time is a hard task master......I am always exhausted after a gym session with her.I know what she is putting in place for me is going to improve my body both emotionally and physically.....All the hard work  happening here is about looking at a holistic approach to wellbeing.

Now to my last sessions of the day with Amber the Psycologist.She is soft, caring and approaches things with a bit of a laugh too,it seems to lighten the  emotive and heavy situation some what. Cant imagine having her role,listening to everyone's sadness......anyway....was positive as we began process of CBT.

Last but certainly not least the handsome Dr.Khan..... Who has visited each day consistently with compassion....and his listening ears switched on......he  appears to work well with the whole team, which appear to have build a team that really work well together.

They are all amazing,dedicated professionals and I feel somewhat gifted to have this opportunity to be provided with this program, education and future support.......Go team Camberwell!!

For is for fantastic.......

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 7 - Chronicle......The Orchestra in the brain

Today's teachings went something as follows: The Orchestra In The Brain....

One way of thinking about how the brain works , including how it produces pain, is think about it as an orchestra. A skilled orchestra can play many thousands of tunes.It can even play the same tunes with different tempos,in different keys,with different emphases,  and with different instruments taking different roles. New tunes can be made up,  old tunes revived. , variations improvised,depending on the audience. Pain can be thought of as one tune that is played by the Orchestra.

A good orchestra can play all tunes .They can easily learn more tunes  .However if the Orchestra plays the same tune over and over,  it becomes more and more difficult to play anything else.Curiosity and creativity become lost.......

This was another part of my education today.....

Next I was fortunate enough to once again feel alive.....I had my Hydro session and it was fantastic.
As it was slow going, cautious and sensible, I was able to work slowly through the program, have regular breaks as directed!! And really relax whilst I began to rebuild my muscle tone.I love swimming......and although I was not swimming as such this was a huge step toward once again being able to enjoy a leisure activity.

So much hustle and bustle in this hospital environment,the corridors are very narrow, with rehabilitation equipment, patients,'s a maze to at times make your way to the Physio room.There are actually a couple  of such rooms so navigating to the correct floor and becoming slightly disorientated seems to be a regular thing.

As I paced myself and  diligently worked through my exercises I was feeling somewhat confidant that Fibro hadn't paid a visit to the gym with me......Making my way back to my room I soon began to feel the after effects of this new program as Fibro entered my personal space once again.

Now I have been also very diligent with my readings around brain placicity so I tried really hard to begin to challenge my begin to construct a sensible story....and tried to limit the amount of ignition that usually occurs with a flare up.
With some different thought patterns, change in my own Behaviour and hotti (no not my dr) my heat pack assist ,  my flare up soon settled somewhat......and the Fibro beast left my space  and allowed me to rest and again restore my energy.

Time for rest now........

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 6 - PM Chronicle

Here I am again.....writing writing......although I  now feel I have some positives to share.

Have had a rested weekend, I was very exhausted.....
Now back into the hospital environment once again for another 5 days.
This side of treatment will be quite different and will involve much education around understanding pain. Together with education I will be a busy bee....For example tomorrow I will complete the following sessions.

Two classes of Hydrotherapy

I have my own room, so a little lonely....although met Richard who was lapping the corridor and is  post heart surgery,lots in common so he will be a regular visitor I think.....If I'm ever actually in my room with my busy schedule. Here's hoping it's not too much and it doesn't create a flare up.

That's my last negative sentence for this I've also been demonstrated Bio Feedback today, so will be also doing this too.

Amazing list of to do this week so we (my family) are feeling like we are journeying down a new track.
It will be an exiting time as I learn more about the brains function,and can move forward with wonderful things to again experience.

As well as building my hand strength up I now have a great tap more will I  stand back and wait for someone else to have to refill the kettle....ha ha......

Not sure if anyone has experienced Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)  for their Fibromyalgia......but I am going to give it a go,and for those that  are unsure as to what it is please continue to read on....

Cognitive Strategies -involve learning to recognize the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that make us feel bad,and reframing them into more realistic,psychologically healthy ways of thinking.

Behavioral Strategies - Involve undertaking certain behaviors that help us to change the way we think and feel. This will involve experimenting with new behaviours,such as confronting rather than avoiding situations that we fear.(like pain) .

So after sharing this I'm sure there are those that could possibly think I must be mad if I need this type of therapy.....If these are your thoughts please know if you live with a chronic debilitating condition that causes great pain throughout your body everySINGLE day......that I am not.....

This type of condition and many others not only effect the person with the diagnosis but the entire family......It takes away joy,leisure,togetherness ,wellbeing and sense of self worth and can at times be destructive.

If you are still apprehensive about my sincere words, please close down my blog.

I feel brave to be tackling so much at once.
I'm sure my family are also feeling this way in hope it will bring happiness back to A wife , mother and a wonderful shared feeling of what could be once again.

Richards lapped the ward several more times and called in for a chat,he had his heart surgery seven days ago, and lapping the hospital like a madman.......Go Richard.......