Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bright....bright....sunshinny day.....

When I awoke this morning I could do nothing else but get ready to spend some long awaited time in my garden.

The brightness of the day was calling.....and I once again wanted to experience some earthiness for myself.I considered all I have recently learnt about myself and this condition and applied all the new pacing steps needed.To make sure I was finally able to enjoy the fresh air and sunshinny day.

It seemed so different to know that I was only going to garden for about ten minutes.....but instead of questioning or resisting this as I would have in the past with my fighting fibro attitude......I peacefully enjoyed my ten  minute stint of pulling weeds.

After a nice morning tea in the garden....I then re applied myself to the task.I really felt alive....with no severe pain shooting or flowing through my body it was an incredible feeling. What once would have ended in tears, medication and a body and mind struggling to cope for an entire next day.Today was entirely different.....It was finally the rainbow I had been praying for,  for so long......

This really felt like that allusive pot of gold was not too far away.......

I glanced around to see how much of my garden bed I had side was nearly weed free and looking great.I could only feel proud.....of the achievement and the mornings journey to reach where I was now standing.Every ten minutes....I stopped and took a twenty minute break....walk around garden,stretches,music.....whatever it took to be able to be pain free....

The journey appeared to very drawn out .....but it now seems that with the once really didn't matter at all how long it took.

I just needed to remember it's not about the destination but the journey along the way.........

I should definitely not stating there is no longer any pain or discomfort.....
.but the  change I'm feeling is quiet remarkable......and its really only early days after my treatment.

The pot of gold actually seems like it may even be within my reach......

Heres  to more beautiful sunshinny days......

F is for Fortunate.....and........ Fortune.......

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