Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 9 - PM Chronicle -" With our thoughts we make the world "

I was very diligent this morning before my Hydro session,which I was again looking forward to.....

My diligence unfortunately.......has weighed on me for the continuation of the day.
I was frustrated the other day when I found their was an exercise I was really having difficulty with, so what I believed to be in my wisdom..........was in actual fact detrimental.....I was really trying to get this exercise example exactly right,wanted to of coarse be able to show my Physiologist that I could do it......(before hydro)

When I began my Hyro this morning I immediately  began to feel my dreaded Fibro visitor.....
What did he think......I think it is a he......somehow anyway......Oh my goodness.....I thought what are you doing here.......In MY Hydro session!

Moments later I found myself immediently bouncing into another very new mode.
I thought .......I can do this but will change my approach and adapt to this.....In between each set of exercises I rested...for me that mean's that I have a peaceful float around.

As the fatigue began to move through my body I then made a decision to end my session 5 minutes earlier.I knew that 1 step further pushing would end in possible distress,  more pain and a higher level of fatigue.

I was really proud that I was able to make these choices.....and also needed to make other similar choices throughout the day.

Will see how this progresses throughout the night......feeling positive.
Am going to step by step build myself up.....and bit by bit get stronger and stronger......I know it will take time and will not be easy......starting from the very beginning and re training my brain.....this is my new promise of hope to myself....

"God give me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,  
And the wisdom to know the difference."

F is for forgivness..........

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