Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Awareness......State of ability to perceive,  feel, to be conscious of events. ,objects and or sensory patterns.........

For those of you who are not yet  familiar with this purple ribbon above it is our Fibromyalgia awareness ribbon.

I really wanted to reflect upon my Current state of awareness.......
I am truly aware that today was one of the best days I have had for years............

I am feeling very aware of the following ...

Today I had minimum pain and fatigue......
Today I was able to increase my gym,  hyro,  and number of stretching that I do without having to stop with  complete pain,fatigue or both.
I did not take any additional pain relief.......
I enjoyed going for my walk.....which was today increased to eight minutes........
TodY when I was in hydro the water was still, clean and crisp.......as the gorgeous rays of sun shone upon the water to create a dappled shimmer effect.....

It was beautiful and relaxing........
Today I felt for the first time ever that hope had really entered my world....I could feel that with each increase of exercise or slight movement my body was coping....was stronger.....and more vibrant that it has been for so very long.

Today I was able to play with my seven month old grandaughter......without total fatigue overcoming my whole body....
And no longer allowing our bonding to occur....
I was able to nurse, jiggle, sing,dance and play on the floor.......
This event truly brought about the clarity of my awareness.......
Yes it was truly the best day for so very.....very.....long.....
Thank you to my beautiful button for bringing such sunshine into our lives......

After hydro today I went and sat beside the Lake.....one of my favorite spots....ive not  been able to enjoy it this year. It was previously a daily routine to walk after work with a friend around the lake....for as many Kms that my wretched body would stand....the most I could ever push myself for Was for three KM......anyway this had ceased this year when my Fibromyalgia spiraled out of control.

I sat beside my lake at the beauty that had been missing from my life and used some positive self talk.....although I am not ready to leap up to do a lap...
I told myself with the lovely peaceful image in front of me would again be possible ...
When it is possible ...... I will be able to truly be able to enjoy the experience.....
So I sat.....

And that's the positive self talk I needed to do for my positive changes .As far as my brain previously knows from past experience...... this lake meant a whole lot of pain and fatigue that would overcome me........this will no longer be the case......and its time to re train my thought patterns around what positives will be....

So through this treatment the huge thing that I did want to share with fellow sufferers is the following...
This is about Awareness and self monitoring....

Self monitoring refers to our ability to be aware of how our body is coping with a particular task.By really listening to what your body is telling you,you can often avoid getting to the stage of total exhaustion or in teased pain .If your body is beginning to feel tired or fatigued,stop and rest,even if you are in the middle of an activity. By doing this ,you will allow your body to replenish some of the lost energy,  and you will avoid getting to the stage where your body is completely exhausted. Recognise good and bad days......and plan ahead to make sure you can have rests or  break up tasks into smaller sections.Its also very beneficial to have a strategy list on the fridge, when you have experience exceeded your limits and are  no longer coping....
You can refer to listing for a strategy......Eg..heat pack ...
Muscle rub......tap turners....
Gardening sponge knee covers....
Long handled brush and shovel....

Before logging off for the night I can actually say with all my heart that I dont now feel so overcome by this terrible incideous condition.....(certainly not at the moment )
Instead....it's more like this now...

F is for.....Fibromyalgia and ..... Future.....

1 comment:

  1. Back in contact after a few days away from a computer. Sounds like you are definately getting on top of the condition that shall not be named and finding time for the good things in life.
