Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ghastly Heat....'s been so so hot....and my very unwanted visitor has actually moved in!!

He seems to have a permanent position somewhere within my left ribs...ouch is about all I can feels as though my husband has accidently reversed his milk tanker over me...or something horrific like that....someday the pain is just undescribable....and I actually just can't even really take a deep sounds creepy if your standing near me....and I'm deep breathing....Ha Ha...
Allways concious of's really weird but the pain truely grabs your breath as you's so severe....'s the heats.fault....and I hate it....since the heat has arrived so has my visitor...and he won't all!!! I haven't had an hrs break for days now....usually I can have afew hrs break!!!but at the moment he is just being so persistent...and its as if he's throwing a party....brought some friends....and this is what they do when they visit...they...make me have severe pins and needles in my hands until they become numb for long periods of can be for hrs at a time....and by the evening when my poor body is so fatigue by them all they really pump up the music...and then I get an inner tremor...Through my bum check...down my just feels like it's going through me....yes ...I could liken to....just like that ridiculous  vibration of music you sometimes sit beside thumping and buzzing out of a pimpted up black shinny a set of traffic lights...that goes screeching past know the one....or it is sometimes red...cause red goes fast too....

No rest for the wicked they say....not even when your physically exhausted...and emotionally body still won't just tremors away quietly.....inside my body is a tomb....and its trying to escape....

But through it all I'm trying to stay not sitting on the sidelines this year....thats my promise to myself..

I'm going to participate in life this year....

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