Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 4 AM Chronicle

As I awoke thismorning after a very peaceful sleep....
For the first time in a very long time I had NO pain resting within multiple body parts. .It didn't actually resemble my usual flu like symptoms that are present most mornings when I awake.

This is amazing and I feel as though I could Frolic down The hospital corridor....I feel as though perhaps it's a Ketamine induced Fantasy y or perhaps even a Falacy.......will see as the day proceeds......Hopefully is the beginning of a much better road to travel......

Slept so well and no Fionas In sight.....

Emergency rush from my bed to assist the lovely elderly Lithawanian woman that shares her amazing worn torn childhood stories with me.She need that all urgent  morning rush to the toilet,but has recently undergone a hip replacement.It's about now it became clear just how and why the nurses fight for workplace change with nurse patient ratio.
Heavy old big Drip stand  is one hand.,wobbly on my feet, I provide as much back up as possible for her, at least if she fell she would be able to rest of me and not the floor.I had madly rang the buzzer but she was so anxious about having an accident she grabbed her frame and away we went.....into the toilet......

I hope the warmth I can show now  will somehow come back to me I my older days....thats  all anyone at these vulnerable moments can really wish for is respect.....

Gorgeous Dr will be in soon and am anticipating the Ketamine to be increased today.....AM coping really well with it! and to top off my morning my even more gorgeous eldest son is visiting this morning to attend pysio with me.......

F is for Faith......that this is truly working....

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