I've done nothing but veg out in PJs all day....my mind strength has wained and the negativity has crept in through,along with my unwanted visitor.....AGAIN.....Frankly I'm quiet sick of his regular presence this week....I think myself a fighter but this week he has somewhat gotten through my management barrier....and has even broken it into many little pieces....
I've felt shattered today....and have fought many tears...
Overwhelming sense of disappointment that my Ketamine treatment has not brought better relief.
Have had heart to heart with hubby again....cause I could feelmyself skidding....out of control....not only of my unwanted visitor"Fibro" but his unpredictability...and what that means to me....my work....my husband and children.....and all things that fall in to my quality basket.
I know how fortunate I am to have lots of protective factors surrounding me....but I also know this quality basket looks like it's getting low to me..
I feel it and see it.....
I am sad.....and just to feel better...
I want to not have pain every day....I want to get through a whole week of now shorter work days....and be able to not have any time off...
I want to feel worthwhile....and....I want to...
Have a forfiled life.....
I am mad!!!!
Okay now have stopped my tears and....blown my nose....a lot....
Now I can see the screen again I want to share....today...my daughter asked if there was anything I needed as she was going down the street...
My reply....a new body and brain would suffice.....
This is the Fibro Girl she brought back me....
And it's great....we had a giggle....She wears a delicate pink silk strapless dress....ripples of beautiful shimmering silver thread woven through out....
Simple step in entry for us Fibromites ...with only a small valcro fastener at rear.Reduction on any fine motor skills needed to undo or do up....
The absence of a bra....also reduceduces breast stress,pain and again reduction in hand and arm pain....
This simple but delicate dress is teamed with a matching pink hue tall pull on boot.....again easy for the Fibro hands....and reduction in any hand skills needed to lace,buckle or slide....
No frills approach to accesorising....because fibromites don't work too much. Due to relentless pain...are unable to splurge on accessories.... So no handbag....thus reducing shoulder and back pain...
No elegant neck piece that a Fibromites actually can't do the latch up on.....
More of the Natural approach...free flowing locks...
That displays the new tusseled designer "unkept look"....that fits in with today's models....
No hand stress needed to....blown dry,curl or straighten...More of the Natural wind blown look...
So my Fibro Girl is looking good.....apart from the one draw back....
She's decided to go commando style.....and hasn't gone with any matching knickers...
This is in fact could be good practice in the Fibro sense....and easier.... But .....mmmmmm not for me....I guess she's young....
Energetic looking....and has many less inhibitions I suppose....
And what about the wind......
That is my Fibro Girl.....apart from the No knickers thing...shes great....
Welcome Fibro Girl I say......
Wish dressing could all be so easy.....
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Strength and Peace.....
So as I mentioned in last post I was going to use some strength and Peace as a strategy to get through my night......
It was a task.....one that I ultimately not succeed at.....
I had taken many meds and found the relentless.....stubborn visitor of mine....would just not leave my exhausted body.....
Come 3.30am I ended ringing my Fibro Fighters....the ambos....
As usual they were amazing...
It was a long...painful.....and.....scary night....
Some complications arose....but....I don't have any recollections of it.....and when my Fibro visitor finally left my weary body I was able to go home.
So...it appears my strength was broken down..... And my peace was very short lived....
Although today's been a restful day.....I don't feel rested....My jaw pain has come and gone again since being back home from hospital.
So I'm going to continue through this current journey....Through the gates to my tranquil place....and hopefully breath some fresh thoughts......and.....positive ones....along my current difficult track through the thick damp....and sinking sand......
It was a task.....one that I ultimately not succeed at.....
I had taken many meds and found the relentless.....stubborn visitor of mine....would just not leave my exhausted body.....
Come 3.30am I ended ringing my Fibro Fighters....the ambos....
As usual they were amazing...
It was a long...painful.....and.....scary night....
Some complications arose....but....I don't have any recollections of it.....and when my Fibro visitor finally left my weary body I was able to go home.
So...it appears my strength was broken down..... And my peace was very short lived....
Although today's been a restful day.....I don't feel rested....My jaw pain has come and gone again since being back home from hospital.
So I'm going to continue through this current journey....Through the gates to my tranquil place....and hopefully breath some fresh thoughts......and.....positive ones....along my current difficult track through the thick damp....and sinking sand......
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Goal Posts.....
So working towards those new goal posts is certainly not going to be easy.....
Last night my Fibro visitor crept into my home,chest and jaw...
And there he stayed for the majority of the night......
I was up off and on throughout the night,the intensity woke me and kept me feeling in an exhausted state.I thought myself brave ...with no tears or visit to hospital......I don't quite know how I go through the night.
But I did it.....
Reward myself with.....mmmmmm......
Maybe I will have some.....peace and strength.....
To help me get through tonight....I will later listen to my beach relaxation CD I love the calmness and serenity the calm incoming and outgoing waves bring with their calming consistant influence upon my soul....
I need some extra strength to push through this night.....my Fibro...visitor is still lurking me....and making his presence of known....
This afternoon has been about rest....relaxation and light stretching....I have tried to reach charge my energies from the previous evening.....and day that has been....today......
Last night my Fibro visitor crept into my home,chest and jaw...
And there he stayed for the majority of the night......
I was up off and on throughout the night,the intensity woke me and kept me feeling in an exhausted state.I thought myself brave ...with no tears or visit to hospital......I don't quite know how I go through the night.
But I did it.....
Reward myself with.....mmmmmm......
Maybe I will have some.....peace and strength.....
To help me get through tonight....I will later listen to my beach relaxation CD I love the calmness and serenity the calm incoming and outgoing waves bring with their calming consistant influence upon my soul....
I need some extra strength to push through this night.....my Fibro...visitor is still lurking me....and making his presence of known....
This afternoon has been about rest....relaxation and light stretching....I have tried to reach charge my energies from the previous evening.....and day that has been....today......
Monday, August 27, 2012
New goal posts.....
From my previous post you will have gathered I have been feeling somewhat disheartened....
This dreaded Fibro has dragged me back and I feel somewhat down as well.
I have been having other....or shall I say different symptoms....
My joint now is different, and is a sharp and intense pain radiating from my left shoulder down my arm...I have lost some morenstrength within this arm.....not sure what's going on there.....
I've been managing to attend hydro Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays and have been working so hard to build up my muscle strength.
I've noticed numbness creeping in from time to time....either in my hands or in my feet....it leaves me unable to take a step....has has caused me to fall and sit down just to cry....In a shop one day..... It was sudden and I couldn't feel my feet properly and they had an overwhelming pain in them.....it's been terrible....and a little frightening....
So these are some of my reasoning for feeling again like a burden to my family and feeling a sense of loss of control again....
So on sunday hubby and I spoke about this whole Fibro issue and the changes its brought to our lives....and the possible future it may spring upon us....
I'm going off to have further testing.....due to some of the sudden and unexpected changes....
It may be that my fibro is progressing or that I may also have another condition that has been overlooked.....at this stage we are uncertain.....
What decided at this moment to set our selves some new goal posts to work toward....
One was to allow ourselves....as husband and wife to have some time together....or time out.....I just call it our coffee dates....which was where he took me on one of my particular bad days....
I'm sure I looked like a hogan....untidy...unkept....and basically undone!!.....I must have looked like hell..and I really did not want to move out of my own miserable space that I was so sadly consuming.
Anyway....it's amazing how a change of environment....good caring company....and a traditional Chai will do for a sad girls spirit.....
I encourage anyone feeling consumed with themselves to try it.....
The other goal.....Positiveness.....well I'm usually this wy but of late I must admit I have been lost in the wilderness..
So I'm back........a little at a time anyway.....step by step....
And have decided that with each positive day I take my self off to hydro successfully without a tear....that I'm going to reward myself....sounds like a rewards chart or something.....
But not a visual one....So today after hydro I went to the cafe in the hospital and got one of their yummy Chai lattes.....
Yum.....Sat out in the fresh air to drink it and thought about positive things.....
So although we realize our road ahead is going to be somewhat rocky....I have just been told that when I am sad....that it makes my hubby feel depressed.....I allways knew it would be difficult for him....but to hear his words and see the sadness in his eyes as he spoke....
Lots of food for thought for me...
So going to think about pretty things.....Things I like to do like...look in the antique and second hand stores...
For those special pe loved treasures...
Enjoy the gorgeous flowers in the local gardens and private homes...
This is going to be my beginning again.....positive thoughts....actions....
And a ray of hope....
Will see how this week progresses....
F is for Flattened......and now....F is for Fighting.....once again......
This dreaded Fibro has dragged me back and I feel somewhat down as well.
I have been having other....or shall I say different symptoms....
My joint now is different, and is a sharp and intense pain radiating from my left shoulder down my arm...I have lost some morenstrength within this arm.....not sure what's going on there.....
I've been managing to attend hydro Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays and have been working so hard to build up my muscle strength.
I've noticed numbness creeping in from time to time....either in my hands or in my feet....it leaves me unable to take a step....has has caused me to fall and sit down just to cry....In a shop one day..... It was sudden and I couldn't feel my feet properly and they had an overwhelming pain in them.....it's been terrible....and a little frightening....
So these are some of my reasoning for feeling again like a burden to my family and feeling a sense of loss of control again....
So on sunday hubby and I spoke about this whole Fibro issue and the changes its brought to our lives....and the possible future it may spring upon us....
I'm going off to have further testing.....due to some of the sudden and unexpected changes....
It may be that my fibro is progressing or that I may also have another condition that has been overlooked.....at this stage we are uncertain.....
What decided at this moment to set our selves some new goal posts to work toward....
One was to allow ourselves....as husband and wife to have some time together....or time out.....I just call it our coffee dates....which was where he took me on one of my particular bad days....
I'm sure I looked like a hogan....untidy...unkept....and basically undone!!.....I must have looked like hell..and I really did not want to move out of my own miserable space that I was so sadly consuming.
Anyway....it's amazing how a change of environment....good caring company....and a traditional Chai will do for a sad girls spirit.....
I encourage anyone feeling consumed with themselves to try it.....
The other goal.....Positiveness.....well I'm usually this wy but of late I must admit I have been lost in the wilderness..
So I'm back........a little at a time anyway.....step by step....
And have decided that with each positive day I take my self off to hydro successfully without a tear....that I'm going to reward myself....sounds like a rewards chart or something.....
But not a visual one....So today after hydro I went to the cafe in the hospital and got one of their yummy Chai lattes.....
Yum.....Sat out in the fresh air to drink it and thought about positive things.....
So although we realize our road ahead is going to be somewhat rocky....I have just been told that when I am sad....that it makes my hubby feel depressed.....I allways knew it would be difficult for him....but to hear his words and see the sadness in his eyes as he spoke....
Lots of food for thought for me...
So going to think about pretty things.....Things I like to do like...look in the antique and second hand stores...
For those special pe loved treasures...
Enjoy the gorgeous flowers in the local gardens and private homes...
This is going to be my beginning again.....positive thoughts....actions....
And a ray of hope....
Will see how this week progresses....
F is for Flattened......and now....F is for Fighting.....once again......
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
For is for Fibromyalgia but today I'm going to make it about other things.....
Today....is about appreciation.....
I'm going to think about some of the wonderful things that surround me.....
Flowers......I love flowers and can pop out into my garden for a peek at them.....it allways brings a smile to my face...
Furry Friends.....My fur ball Milly who allways knows when some thing is wrong and curls up with me...I love.....my Milly girl....She knows even when others dont| !
Family.....and the support my gorgeous eldest daughter provides each and every day....and the surrounding sun shine her baby daughter.....my grandaughter brings to me whenever I see her......
For this fantastic.....fandangled thing.....that makes it so much easier everyday when I need to turn my shower off and on.....
For my favorite Gluten Free Fruit toast....and comfort Food that I have for breakfast very regular.....
For. Is for........Fortunate ....because I work where I do....
Because I love....Love...Love my job.....
F is for all family members...
As they are amazing....
F isn't for appreciation.....but I am appreciate of these things today......
Today....is about appreciation.....
I'm going to think about some of the wonderful things that surround me.....
Flowers......I love flowers and can pop out into my garden for a peek at them.....it allways brings a smile to my face...
Furry Friends.....My fur ball Milly who allways knows when some thing is wrong and curls up with me...I love.....my Milly girl....She knows even when others dont| !
Family.....and the support my gorgeous eldest daughter provides each and every day....and the surrounding sun shine her baby daughter.....my grandaughter brings to me whenever I see her......
For this fantastic.....fandangled thing.....that makes it so much easier everyday when I need to turn my shower off and on.....
For my favorite Gluten Free Fruit toast....and comfort Food that I have for breakfast very regular.....
For. Is for........Fortunate ....because I work where I do....
Because I love....Love...Love my job.....
F is for all family members...
As they are amazing....
F isn't for appreciation.....but I am appreciate of these things today......
New Fibro Support Group.....
Just incase there are some people that are following this blog.....and don't yet know ....
Through this journey into the Fibro abyss.... I had recently made a decision to begin a local support group.
With support from my eldest who is also inflicted with this torturous condition...
We have began the journey....
This was initially out of lack of access to local support or knowledge...
As you All know if your a follower....my treatment was in Melbourne but unfortunately that's where the indepth support ceases....
I am an avid reader,researcher....and can't help but continue to search for further info relating to this condition....it is only fair that if I am blessed with the enthusiasm and drive to do this I....
Feel the need to share....and give back to others...Not everyone is as blessed as I am with loving family and friends.....or the opportunity to do this....
If fact...my gorgeous hubby will often be searching too...
Peer support will provide a sounding board for us all...and will provide opportunity
To grow and learn from each others experiences.
In a couple of weeks we will have our first meeting.....so exited! I. Can't believe we will actually be able to meet others in the same boat.....
Please spread the word further....out into the community....
I have also began a dedicated Facebook Page....feel free to view and encourage others to access..
It will be great to spread Fibromyalgia Awareness.....
This is also advertised on mycommunityconnect.com.au
And will also hopefully appear in this week's minner under community events.
Here's hoping for a successful first meeting!
Through this journey into the Fibro abyss.... I had recently made a decision to begin a local support group.
With support from my eldest who is also inflicted with this torturous condition...
We have began the journey....
This was initially out of lack of access to local support or knowledge...
As you All know if your a follower....my treatment was in Melbourne but unfortunately that's where the indepth support ceases....
I am an avid reader,researcher....and can't help but continue to search for further info relating to this condition....it is only fair that if I am blessed with the enthusiasm and drive to do this I....
Feel the need to share....and give back to others...Not everyone is as blessed as I am with loving family and friends.....or the opportunity to do this....
If fact...my gorgeous hubby will often be searching too...
Peer support will provide a sounding board for us all...and will provide opportunity
To grow and learn from each others experiences.
In a couple of weeks we will have our first meeting.....so exited! I. Can't believe we will actually be able to meet others in the same boat.....
Please spread the word further....out into the community....
I have also began a dedicated Facebook Page....feel free to view and encourage others to access..
It will be great to spread Fibromyalgia Awareness.....
This is also advertised on mycommunityconnect.com.au
And will also hopefully appear in this week's minner under community events.
Here's hoping for a successful first meeting!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Today Is Saturday....
Today is Saturday.....
I awake and finally feel free of the pain that my recent fibro visitor has been placing upon me....
This past few weeks has been somewhat overwhelming...
So within the walls of my cosy abode...I have been quite miserable....disappointed and flattened by the fatigue of this terrible illness.
My unfortunate Fibro visitor has been relentless of late, conquering his waynover and through me...turning up at the most inopportune times....
How dare he....invade my relaxation at Hydro Therapy...I tried so hard to ignore his parents and persisted with my exercises....but eventually this challenge wills I did not win....
I needed to end my session quickly and quietly.....with intense pain within my jaw,chest and shoulder I retreated back home for some medication.
I tried this whole relaxing....watching tv thing....eventually I went of to the quiet and listened to my relaxation CD.I love the beach one as it's my favorite Place in the world......
So I complete my session although I'm feeling somewhat relaxed this pain is still charging at my being....full steam ahead....I feel at a loss....The the above picture....so small...frail....weak....and feel so insignificant to the power of what's overcoming me....
I let my poor hubby know it's getting a bit much as I grab for the nasty pain meds...only second time I've ever had them at home...with all my will I am trying not to go back to hospital...
I'm stretched out...All cosy and warm on the couch....with family members wondering what will occur next....you can allways see the sorrow in the depth of their eyes....
I figure I will end their relentless anxiety and tuck myself into bed....at least then I'm not so in their face....
I again grab for a different relaxation CD and absorb it all as best as I can....
I open my eyes..... and....Today is Saturday.....
I've just had the best sleep in weeks and my unwanted visitor has even left.
I'm feeling so much brighter...I decide I need to get some of the positive vibes going again....I think they were misplaced this past week...
I will surround my self with the things I love..
And the people I love....
I head out....All rugged up...
The wind is so icy...and I complete my ten minute walk...AM only up to five each way with my pacing..
The wind was like ice blowing so strongly against me....it was a challenge to get back up the hill...
Muscles were becoming fatigue....
I got back home and felt pleased with myself....a sense of achievement....hadn't felt that for a few weeks...this process of rehabilitation is so challenging and slow...
I need to also now endevour to do my ball and gym stretching and exercise.....AM conscious to go extra slow now.....In hope it will prevent another flare....
Hubby offers to take me out to add to the excitment of my day....we have been going on coffee dates of late....very cute after fifteen years of marriage....He made this decision while I was in hospital having my treatment....a nice way to assist with our quality of life with all the medical stuff we'd recently endured.....for the past few years.....
I of coarse had my traditional Chai ....yum yum is so my favorite...and spending some time together was really nice....
So I have now finished my set of stretching and ball exercises...
Yah.....I'm so far feeling like this Saturday is going so well......and its nearly tea time......I feel the best I have for weeks.....
I still have muscle pain but nothing at all to complain about.....
I'm even going to give myself some flowers....because I feel like I have actually achieved something...
F is for Fibromyalgia.....
And fighters........ If Any Fibro sufferers are interested in joining discussion...feel free to visit my new page www.facebook.com/pages/F-Is-For-Fibromyalgia/340289886042313
I awake and finally feel free of the pain that my recent fibro visitor has been placing upon me....
This past few weeks has been somewhat overwhelming...
So within the walls of my cosy abode...I have been quite miserable....disappointed and flattened by the fatigue of this terrible illness.
My unfortunate Fibro visitor has been relentless of late, conquering his waynover and through me...turning up at the most inopportune times....
How dare he....invade my relaxation at Hydro Therapy...I tried so hard to ignore his parents and persisted with my exercises....but eventually this challenge wills I did not win....
I needed to end my session quickly and quietly.....with intense pain within my jaw,chest and shoulder I retreated back home for some medication.
I tried this whole relaxing....watching tv thing....eventually I went of to the quiet and listened to my relaxation CD.I love the beach one as it's my favorite Place in the world......
So I complete my session although I'm feeling somewhat relaxed this pain is still charging at my being....full steam ahead....I feel at a loss....The the above picture....so small...frail....weak....and feel so insignificant to the power of what's overcoming me....
I let my poor hubby know it's getting a bit much as I grab for the nasty pain meds...only second time I've ever had them at home...with all my will I am trying not to go back to hospital...
I'm stretched out...All cosy and warm on the couch....with family members wondering what will occur next....you can allways see the sorrow in the depth of their eyes....
I figure I will end their relentless anxiety and tuck myself into bed....at least then I'm not so in their face....
I again grab for a different relaxation CD and absorb it all as best as I can....
I open my eyes..... and....Today is Saturday.....
I've just had the best sleep in weeks and my unwanted visitor has even left.
I'm feeling so much brighter...I decide I need to get some of the positive vibes going again....I think they were misplaced this past week...
I will surround my self with the things I love..
And the people I love....
I head out....All rugged up...
The wind is so icy...and I complete my ten minute walk...AM only up to five each way with my pacing..
The wind was like ice blowing so strongly against me....it was a challenge to get back up the hill...
Muscles were becoming fatigue....
I got back home and felt pleased with myself....a sense of achievement....hadn't felt that for a few weeks...this process of rehabilitation is so challenging and slow...
I need to also now endevour to do my ball and gym stretching and exercise.....AM conscious to go extra slow now.....In hope it will prevent another flare....
Hubby offers to take me out to add to the excitment of my day....we have been going on coffee dates of late....very cute after fifteen years of marriage....He made this decision while I was in hospital having my treatment....a nice way to assist with our quality of life with all the medical stuff we'd recently endured.....for the past few years.....
I of coarse had my traditional Chai ....yum yum is so my favorite...and spending some time together was really nice....
So I have now finished my set of stretching and ball exercises...
Yah.....I'm so far feeling like this Saturday is going so well......and its nearly tea time......I feel the best I have for weeks.....
I still have muscle pain but nothing at all to complain about.....
I'm even going to give myself some flowers....because I feel like I have actually achieved something...
F is for Fibromyalgia.....
And fighters........ If Any Fibro sufferers are interested in joining discussion...feel free to visit my new page www.facebook.com/pages/F-Is-For-Fibromyalgia/340289886042313
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Health and well being 2.......Somepeople......
Are judged if there housework is not all completed.....
Are thought of as lazy by some family members.....
Appear to allways be resting....
Are thought of as being hipercondriacts.....
And make a lot of visits to the Doctor....
Somepeople can't take as much effort in their presentation as they would possibly like....
Somepeople find every day tasks such a challenge.....to go shopping is painfull.....literally....
Holding a hairdryer or straightener is really painful...To push along a broom or mop is not only exhausting but so strenuous.....it will lay somepeople up in agony for this one task.....
For the rest of the day.
Sitting in a car or movies,theater is painful and will call for immediate pain in most of the joints.
Somepeople can't wash their hair as regular as they would like......its so painful to hold your arms up like that....
Somepeople rely on others for transportation as they cannot safely hold a steering wheel.....it's painful....and they often do not have adequate strength in their hands...
Somepeople have a dedicated disability sticker for their car....and yet they look like nothing is wrong with them.....
Somepeople awaken all night long due to pain levels through their entire bodies....
Somepeople are grumpy and seem unhappy due to lack of sleep ,pain levels and sometimes isolation.
Somepeople are often judged....as the condition is invisible.....
Somepeople would like some other people to be more giving.....understanding. And non judgemental.....
Somepeople are just like me and I have Fibromyalgia.......
We......still like to actively participate in life...
We love to go out with friends and family....
We enjoy being active.....swimming,walking.....
We would really above all else like to be able to do the things we once did.....at the pace we once did....with the strength....we once had....and as often as we once did it......
Unfortunately our Fibromyalgia has slowed us down....
that's all,...
We are still the same person....who loves....who has aspirations.....dreams and goals.....
Just like someothers...that don't have Fibromyalgia......
Wellbeing for me is about a holistic approach to health....mind...body ...and spirit.....
I endevour to eat a very high level of nutritional food to support my Fibromyalgia....
I now go to Hydro Therapy three times a week and do gym and particular stretching on the alternative days.....
I endevour to listen to my relaxation CD with my earplugs each have night.....
So for me I'm thinking of an overall approach to wellbeing being....and allways find time for family and friends,and supportive and protective networks....
It's not about if I am a size eight....Ha Ha....to those who know me....
I don't really care too much about my weight.....but My priority lies with my true wellbeing....and positive approach to life and....its about the journey Nd what happens along the way......not just all about the end result....
Mental health is very important.... I am very conscious of this....don't ever see anything promoting relaxation with the beautiful size eight models in their licra suits....where does the balance and equity in wellbeing lie there......hmmmmmm.......
F is for....Fibromyalgia....
Are judged if there housework is not all completed.....
Are thought of as lazy by some family members.....
Appear to allways be resting....
Are thought of as being hipercondriacts.....
And make a lot of visits to the Doctor....
Somepeople can't take as much effort in their presentation as they would possibly like....
Somepeople find every day tasks such a challenge.....to go shopping is painfull.....literally....
Holding a hairdryer or straightener is really painful...To push along a broom or mop is not only exhausting but so strenuous.....it will lay somepeople up in agony for this one task.....
For the rest of the day.
Sitting in a car or movies,theater is painful and will call for immediate pain in most of the joints.
Somepeople can't wash their hair as regular as they would like......its so painful to hold your arms up like that....
Somepeople rely on others for transportation as they cannot safely hold a steering wheel.....it's painful....and they often do not have adequate strength in their hands...
Somepeople have a dedicated disability sticker for their car....and yet they look like nothing is wrong with them.....
Somepeople awaken all night long due to pain levels through their entire bodies....
Somepeople are grumpy and seem unhappy due to lack of sleep ,pain levels and sometimes isolation.
Somepeople are often judged....as the condition is invisible.....
Somepeople would like some other people to be more giving.....understanding. And non judgemental.....
Somepeople are just like me and I have Fibromyalgia.......
We......still like to actively participate in life...
We love to go out with friends and family....
We enjoy being active.....swimming,walking.....
We would really above all else like to be able to do the things we once did.....at the pace we once did....with the strength....we once had....and as often as we once did it......
Unfortunately our Fibromyalgia has slowed us down....
that's all,...
We are still the same person....who loves....who has aspirations.....dreams and goals.....
Just like someothers...that don't have Fibromyalgia......
Wellbeing for me is about a holistic approach to health....mind...body ...and spirit.....
I endevour to eat a very high level of nutritional food to support my Fibromyalgia....
I now go to Hydro Therapy three times a week and do gym and particular stretching on the alternative days.....
I endevour to listen to my relaxation CD with my earplugs each have night.....
So for me I'm thinking of an overall approach to wellbeing being....and allways find time for family and friends,and supportive and protective networks....
It's not about if I am a size eight....Ha Ha....to those who know me....
I don't really care too much about my weight.....but My priority lies with my true wellbeing....and positive approach to life and....its about the journey Nd what happens along the way......not just all about the end result....
Mental health is very important.... I am very conscious of this....don't ever see anything promoting relaxation with the beautiful size eight models in their licra suits....where does the balance and equity in wellbeing lie there......hmmmmmm.......
F is for....Fibromyalgia....
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Health and well being.......
So upon recent reflection...... I have decided that when the general public think of well being, they actually think of just that.....A being that is well........or in my case.....
Generally unwell.....
The infrance around well being is thought,and particularly during winter is predominantly around people within the population being unwell....
That's not to say some don't think more in depth about the topic..... But for those with possible less education or. Ignorance round the topic of nutrition and exercise probably don't have a good understanding of the term "Health and Wellbeing".......
As someone with a chronic medical condition I have decided to blog about what I feel health and wellbeing means to me....
Firstly....I am not healthy......and have not been since the age of 28 years of old after, suffering a very unexpected heart attack following with a triple bypass.From this horrific moment on I have never felt well, healthy or energetic.....
Now I do not think of wellbeing as one of those women with the size8-10 with extremely toned bodies wearing matching licra exercise clothing.....and they usually even look like they are radiant....and have perfectly brushed hair pulled flowing hair in a perfect ponytail.......What is with this.... It is what we are exposed to regularly by the media outlets All around the world.
I was once, after heart surgery.....tiny and waif like....
It wasn't fun,I had no energy....
Lots of bones on display.....
And....of coarse when I was like this...
It was not cool....and infact people whispered their dreaded words about anorexia......
But for me I was this size due to multiple medical conditions and a near loss of life ....and none of these things were due to any fault of my oto
Now in our real world....when you see real people.....they don't quiet look as fantastic...
There faces are bright red....
Hair damp with sweaty looking....
Puffing and panting and or grunting or possible loud freaky breathing...
And this is okay....
We all know whenever get our hearts pumping that these things occur.....
I'm just against all the fake images we have to be regularly saturated with.....it's no wonder some people don't fully understand the following,....
Some people can't allways participate in. Vigorous exercise....
Some people move around slowly or cautiously......
Some people don't offer to help move or carry things.....
Some people don't look like anything is wrong with them.......
Some people arnt very old...
Some people never except invitations out.....
Some people allways have quiet weekends or don't appear to do anything exciting....
Some people have a high level of fatigue....
Some people allways seem sick.....
Some people are just like me and have an invisible condition called Fibromyalgia...
F is for all.... Fibromites....and their Fibromyalgia......
Generally unwell.....
The infrance around well being is thought,and particularly during winter is predominantly around people within the population being unwell....
That's not to say some don't think more in depth about the topic..... But for those with possible less education or. Ignorance round the topic of nutrition and exercise probably don't have a good understanding of the term "Health and Wellbeing".......
As someone with a chronic medical condition I have decided to blog about what I feel health and wellbeing means to me....
Firstly....I am not healthy......and have not been since the age of 28 years of old after, suffering a very unexpected heart attack following with a triple bypass.From this horrific moment on I have never felt well, healthy or energetic.....
I have Fibromyalgia and Chrones disease.....and I'm pretty sure my parents didn't put an order in for that at conception....
Nor did I during these years.........I was allways an exerciser....as a teenager....playing...hockey,competitive diving....gymnastics...Athletics.....weekend horse ridding....and am pretty sure there were a couple of other things along the way......As I grew up my mother was quiet particular with what I was able to eat....our home did not consist of "junk " food and the treats thy I did have were allways home made.
As I grew and becme a young mother my self....I actually didn't even get a licensed until child three came along......so walking was my mode of transportation.....and again I participated in physical activity.......badminton,and light gym exercise......By this time I had recooperated from heart surgery....
By this time in my life I began to eat less processed food and began growing our own herbs vegetables.Eating. Very balanced, nutrition meals was really important to us......as was trying to get enough fresh air, outdoor exercise with a pretty positive approach to life in general.
Now I do not think of wellbeing as one of those women with the size8-10 with extremely toned bodies wearing matching licra exercise clothing.....and they usually even look like they are radiant....and have perfectly brushed hair pulled flowing hair in a perfect ponytail.......What is with this.... It is what we are exposed to regularly by the media outlets All around the world.
I was once, after heart surgery.....tiny and waif like....
It wasn't fun,I had no energy....
Lots of bones on display.....
And....of coarse when I was like this...
It was not cool....and infact people whispered their dreaded words about anorexia......
But for me I was this size due to multiple medical conditions and a near loss of life ....and none of these things were due to any fault of my oto

Now in our real world....when you see real people.....they don't quiet look as fantastic...
There faces are bright red....
Hair damp with sweaty looking....
Puffing and panting and or grunting or possible loud freaky breathing...
And this is okay....
We all know whenever get our hearts pumping that these things occur.....
I'm just against all the fake images we have to be regularly saturated with.....it's no wonder some people don't fully understand the following,....
Some people can't allways participate in. Vigorous exercise....
Some people move around slowly or cautiously......
Some people don't offer to help move or carry things.....
Some people don't look like anything is wrong with them.......
Some people arnt very old...
Some people never except invitations out.....
Some people allways have quiet weekends or don't appear to do anything exciting....
Some people have a high level of fatigue....
Some people allways seem sick.....
Some people are just like me and have an invisible condition called Fibromyalgia...
F is for all.... Fibromites....and their Fibromyalgia......
Monday, August 13, 2012
Well....I have just discovered out something new about Fibromyalgia,it's not often that I am glad to hear my extra little things are associated but....when it came to my vision.....and how my eyes have been feeling I could only be greatful it was nothing more.....
Fibromyalgia dries the mucus membranes within the eyes,nose and mouth.
It can be very painful,uncomfortable,and create blurry vision and associated headaches.
Some sufferers find night driving very difficult with the glare of night lights,and some are challenged with flurorescent lighting.
Some will need to always use dark glasses to assist with sensitivity and some will just use sun glasses to lessen the glare.
Fortunately for myself I only had a lot of discomfort every day,it felt like cotton wool was in behind my eyeballs.
Upon visiting my Optometrist it was clear I had very dry eyes....also associated with my Fibromyalgia.
This was great news. I was so worried about how they felt......so I am really glad and only have to put eye drops into template regular.
So for any other Fibromites.....If your having difficulty with your eyes...... It may be due to your Fibromyalgia.....best to always seek medical advice though.
Finished my morning at work and felt the fatigue fill my body.Needed to rest for a while......and with all my might....mustered the strength to head off to hydro......feeling good about my decision.....Hydro was great...and very relaxing.Decided I will now note how my pain levels are on my Hydro night....with the past week being challenging with multiple flares....I think it will be worthwhile to compare my days.....I can't encourage anyone enough with fibro to pace yourself with any physical activity ......this is essential.....
F is for Faith.......
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Sunday sunshine.....
The most exciting thing occurred.....and my beautiful daughter ended up having a normal evening....
So by the time her friends had arrived I was feeling brighter....I just pretended all was well and went along as if I was okay and watched some Olympics.....we are very into this at my home.
But things went smoothly....and the girls finally left looking radiant for a night on the town....
I took advantage of the fact my body was feeling okay and was able to enjoy some Olympics with hubby.....so nice....
So sunday......the sun was peeking out from behind the clouds and I was feeling no pain....
I took my nine minute walk.....down to the bottom of street....and oopppsss may have gone off coarse into the bush....perhaps more than four and a half minutes...but can justify this..... I wasn't braking my rules....I just modified them to suit on the day.So proud actually because I then just sat for a while in the bush......and followed my strict pacing protocol.......
The sun's warmth was so uplifting and I could see the shimmers of the near by dam sparkling in the breeze....
I picked some Johnquils and then finished my walk back home...
So by the time her friends had arrived I was feeling brighter....I just pretended all was well and went along as if I was okay and watched some Olympics.....we are very into this at my home.
But things went smoothly....and the girls finally left looking radiant for a night on the town....
I took advantage of the fact my body was feeling okay and was able to enjoy some Olympics with hubby.....so nice....
So sunday......the sun was peeking out from behind the clouds and I was feeling no pain....
I took my nine minute walk.....down to the bottom of street....and oopppsss may have gone off coarse into the bush....perhaps more than four and a half minutes...but can justify this..... I wasn't braking my rules....I just modified them to suit on the day.So proud actually because I then just sat for a while in the bush......and followed my strict pacing protocol.......
The sun's warmth was so uplifting and I could see the shimmers of the near by dam sparkling in the breeze....
I picked some Johnquils and then finished my walk back home...
Just a head and heart full of greatfulness for what I was able to enjoy,achieve and participate in....Today.........
So some of the other benefits of sunshine I was thinking about.....
The beautiful sun encourages and fruit and vegetables and grains to grow....and be healthy.
The sun gives us a better completion,and assists in repair from acne,ezcema and other skin complaints.utra violet rays can act as an antiseptic and can kill bacteria,spores and mould.
The sun stimulates appetite and digestion,even though we all feel like it the opposite..and want to eat more in the cold.Sun stimulates circulation which I also stimulates red blood cells, which increases our oxygen levels...
And of coarse the sun shares its magic with improving our moods by increasing our endorphins and serotonin levels ,which leaves us feeling much better......
I love all that nature brings to share with us........
F is for.... Freedom.....
F=P+P= Fibro = Perseverance and Persistence.....
So the above is my mini equation for today.....
So mentioned a few days back I had been recovering from yet another visit from that pesky unwanted guest within my body.
Since.....I have had a couple of mornings at work.....seen smiles and heard welcoming words...enjoyed being back in the human race,if only for short but brief moments of time.
I have recently heard from friends and neighbour's....About New babies born into our world....and new pregnancies to bring joy....Wakeful nights......and morning sickness.....radiating smiles and the pure joy that spreads across a face while sharing such news.....more Wakeful nights with teething babies and seen the beauty......and touched by the spell a sleeping baby casts over ones self and others around.
The beauty of life from the beginning.....
My mother who passed away some twenty seven years ago now.....It couldn't have ever been imagined as she held her daughter........me...... in her arms for the first time....or watched me grow and learn to walk.....talk....choose my own clothes to wear.....
Make my first sandwich.....learn to skip with a rope....enjoyed watching the goldfish in the outdoor pond....play in the sand....climb trees....meet new friends..both male and female...overcome shyness...finally start bringing friends home.....and all that comes with some of teenage years....unfortunatly her life was cut too short.....and she was only able see the first 16 years of her.....my....teenage years.
I can't ever image she would think I in this day, at this age.....be so overwhelmed by a chronic medical condition...that has effected every facet of my life....everything I do each and every day....it cannot be escaped....it is silent and invisible.....unpredictable and is very strong willed.It commands an overwhelming presence not only by me but others in its presence....It is fortunately not terminal but is chronic and does not appear to go into remission very often.
I can only hope if nothing else....I raise some awarness of Fibromyalgia.....as I begin the journey to start a local support group that the word spreads....and at some levels people are acknowledging this invisible disease at the medical levels needed to assist with further research......education for some GPs and other professionals.....
Anyway.....that will be the persaverance and Persistence I will need for the future.....I'm wishing no new mothers.....or future mother
So mentioned a few days back I had been recovering from yet another visit from that pesky unwanted guest within my body.
Since.....I have had a couple of mornings at work.....seen smiles and heard welcoming words...enjoyed being back in the human race,if only for short but brief moments of time.
I have recently heard from friends and neighbour's....About New babies born into our world....and new pregnancies to bring joy....Wakeful nights......and morning sickness.....radiating smiles and the pure joy that spreads across a face while sharing such news.....more Wakeful nights with teething babies and seen the beauty......and touched by the spell a sleeping baby casts over ones self and others around.
The beauty of life from the beginning.....
My mother who passed away some twenty seven years ago now.....It couldn't have ever been imagined as she held her daughter........me...... in her arms for the first time....or watched me grow and learn to walk.....talk....choose my own clothes to wear.....
Make my first sandwich.....learn to skip with a rope....enjoyed watching the goldfish in the outdoor pond....play in the sand....climb trees....meet new friends..both male and female...overcome shyness...finally start bringing friends home.....and all that comes with some of teenage years....unfortunatly her life was cut too short.....and she was only able see the first 16 years of her.....my....teenage years.
I can't ever image she would think I in this day, at this age.....be so overwhelmed by a chronic medical condition...that has effected every facet of my life....everything I do each and every day....it cannot be escaped....it is silent and invisible.....unpredictable and is very strong willed.It commands an overwhelming presence not only by me but others in its presence....It is fortunately not terminal but is chronic and does not appear to go into remission very often.
I can only hope if nothing else....I raise some awarness of Fibromyalgia.....as I begin the journey to start a local support group that the word spreads....and at some levels people are acknowledging this invisible disease at the medical levels needed to assist with further research......education for some GPs and other professionals.....

to be will EVER have to watch their loved ones suffer with such a condition that partly enters the unknown.....
I will hope that there will be Further down The track more acknowledgement... Support....treatment....or even a cure awaiting some where in the future.....
So.....as you can see by today's readings today is also an emotive day....I endured a terrible onest of Fibro pain within my chest last night.....my visitor arrived so unexpectantly with what you could call....a grand entrance...... I had taken my normal meds but after a couple of hres I had to take the dredded one....
.the one I have never yet taken at home.....they give it to me at hospital...
So to avoid whT would have been another trip to the ED this week I very humbly took it,went to bed and read until the words became blurry within my book...
I was greatful when morning arrived and my visitor had left me....my home and our street behind....
I have todY treated with absolutely caution..decided I would make some home made wholemeal gluten free pizzas.....my daughters friends are coming this evening and maybe......just for once she can have. Normal night....with friends....getting ready for a fun night out.......they are going to order Pizza in so we will have a nice night catching up with them......
How far from that it seems sometimes....
By the time I was nearly finished putting on my pizza toppings....I again could feel that sneaky unwanted visitor....
Yes.....sneaking into the top of my spine and working his way down...with a heavy pressure ache.... Did not have the stamina to stand anymore......I have gone off to a warm bed......I have been a bit sneaky....
Like the visitor of mine.....and hidden myself away.....what they can't see...
They won't know...I don't want any fuss...
Just a lovely evening for my daughter.....once they have left the house I can show my true pain and go from there....for now.....Shhhh.....will see how this strategy goes....
AM keeping fingers and toes crossed.....
Here's to all beautiful children ...who all deserve nothing but love and everything....Warm....gentle....inspiring...encouraging .....good health and all else special in their lives.......for as long as they live.....and grow into grown ups....
Even then you still wish for all the best life can bring to them...
Here's to Persistence and Persaverance.....
Bringing myself flowers tonight to brighten my space....
F is for Fibromyalgia....and the lessons in life it has taught me......
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
P is for perseverance......
The past few days have been rough.....I have....
Tackled my unwanted visitor fibro...
Spent time in hospital
Faced negative attitutes
Seen sadness in the eyes of loved ones
Felt knocked back down
It's now time to come back fighting again.....
I will persist and persevere.....
It's the only way...I want to live a full active life, and although there are obstacles I want with all my might to be able to enjoy all the things I so dearly love.....
Family....friends......Gardening.....outings......Love.....work......nature......and all the other beautiful things within the world.... That are Really there to be enjoyed.........
So my mind.....clearly not my body.....is a buzz with new stuff.....I have began the process of creating a new local Fibromyalgia support group.I have been fortunate to speak with many lovely encouraging people within the community along the way...and worked through legalities.......and have now secured a place that I feel will be perfect.
I have started a Facebook Page to invite positive discussion and sharing....and am currently working on the flyers.....
With great support from my beautiful daughter who is also inflicted with this condition.....She will hopefully before the end of week get flyers printed and begin process of distribution.Well this is our aim....will see how our bodies fair with a cold snap approaching....
Please feel free to visit the Page and share within community,it will be great to get it out there...your support in this area would be much appreciated.
Tackled my unwanted visitor fibro...
Spent time in hospital
Faced negative attitutes
Seen sadness in the eyes of loved ones
Felt knocked back down
It's now time to come back fighting again.....
I will persist and persevere.....
It's the only way...I want to live a full active life, and although there are obstacles I want with all my might to be able to enjoy all the things I so dearly love.....
Family....friends......Gardening.....outings......Love.....work......nature......and all the other beautiful things within the world.... That are Really there to be enjoyed.........
So my mind.....clearly not my body.....is a buzz with new stuff.....I have began the process of creating a new local Fibromyalgia support group.I have been fortunate to speak with many lovely encouraging people within the community along the way...and worked through legalities.......and have now secured a place that I feel will be perfect.
I have started a Facebook Page to invite positive discussion and sharing....and am currently working on the flyers.....
With great support from my beautiful daughter who is also inflicted with this condition.....She will hopefully before the end of week get flyers printed and begin process of distribution.Well this is our aim....will see how our bodies fair with a cold snap approaching....
Please feel free to visit the Page and share within community,it will be great to get it out there...your support in this area would be much appreciated.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Suddenly sunday....
Am feeling miserable......this is day three I have has jaw and chest pain sneak up upon me....
I did have a wonderful time playing on the floor with my beautiful grandaughterb....was careful tonight and specifically did not lift or move her around.....just positioned my own body really well.....I thought.
Intense jaw pain radiating right through into the bone....well that's how it feels....
I have had my cocktail of medication....the is just for times like these....and then later I have retreated to my from to have a cry in private.....tears streaming down cheeks, not sure what to do next....
I've tried to eat a little tea that my supportive hubby specially made by request....can't manage more than a mouthful.It now the rest of the family actually begin to realize that I'm really in some significant pain, and not coping.
I head back to my quiet place where I listen to my relaxation CD, one of the great resources I received during my treatment.
The tears have ceased so it has worked somewhat.....hubby just. Checked on me to tell me gymnastics is coming on.....I have always loved it.....used to be a gymnast many years ago.....
I can see by his saddened. Dark eyes he's really concerned.How difficult for my loved ones......
Here's hoping my fibro. Visitor soon leaves my worn body....will keep you all posted through thisevening journey...
F is for fear.....
I did have a wonderful time playing on the floor with my beautiful grandaughterb....was careful tonight and specifically did not lift or move her around.....just positioned my own body really well.....I thought.
Intense jaw pain radiating right through into the bone....well that's how it feels....
I have had my cocktail of medication....the is just for times like these....and then later I have retreated to my from to have a cry in private.....tears streaming down cheeks, not sure what to do next....
I've tried to eat a little tea that my supportive hubby specially made by request....can't manage more than a mouthful.It now the rest of the family actually begin to realize that I'm really in some significant pain, and not coping.
I head back to my quiet place where I listen to my relaxation CD, one of the great resources I received during my treatment.
The tears have ceased so it has worked somewhat.....hubby just. Checked on me to tell me gymnastics is coming on.....I have always loved it.....used to be a gymnast many years ago.....
I can see by his saddened. Dark eyes he's really concerned.How difficult for my loved ones......
Here's hoping my fibro. Visitor soon leaves my worn body....will keep you all posted through thisevening journey...
F is for fear.....
Saturday, August 4, 2012
New Fibromyalgia support group......
Great news to share with other Fibro sufferers.......Will begin a local support group here .....
It will be held in Bendigo, Victoria.....we have a population of approx 100,000 residents.
Will hold first meeting Wednesday 5/09/2012 7-8.3o
Our place community centre
Crn church st and High st,Eaglehawk
Cold coin donation for use of venue
Tea,Coffee and supper pro
It will be held in Bendigo, Victoria.....we have a population of approx 100,000 residents.
Will hold first meeting Wednesday 5/09/2012 7-8.3o
Our place community centre
Crn church st and High st,Eaglehawk
Cold coin donation for use of venue
Tea,Coffee and supper pro
Hoping this will bring many of us together to provide face to face support.......
Currently working on flyer ,hope to distribute later in week.
If any of you attend a group it would be great to hear what it is that makes your group so good.
Look forward to reading your feedback....
Hoping this will bring many of us together to provide face to face support.......
Currently working on flyer ,hope to distribute later in week.
If any of you attend a group it would be great to hear what it is that makes your group so good.
Look forward to reading your feedback....
F is for Future with Fibromyalgia......
Friday, August 3, 2012
Happy at Hydro......
So this week has brought some smiles and relaxation,both for myself and family members.
It was so nice to attend my Hydro sessions without having the dreaded flare up afterwards.Ive been anxious each day awaiting the flare and expectation of my feared visitor "fibro".
Was shocked and amazed that it didn't occur,although still pacing and breaking between each set of exercises.So yes I'm feeling very happy!
I can see a feel a change within our house hold.....I guess things arnt so sad,and unpredictable as they were some four weeks ago.As I was carrying around the heaviness.....that im feeling like I am just a burden.When you are unable to do the daily tasks and activities that you have once done.....it feels very difficult.To watch others or request constant support fills you with a heaviness of inadequacies.
I can now say I'm feeling so much brighter and now slowly doing different tasks, and it's filling me with hope of a better and brighter future to come for our whole family unit.
It's now. Design hrs later, evening.....I've had a wonderful night watching Olympics with my hubby and teenagers.....lots of Aussie,Aussie,Aussie.......and flag waving.....enjoyed playing with my gorgeous grandaughter.....All.....somewhat perfect......
Until.....sudden sharp pain in might jaw,oh no.....Here it comes.....it's a sign my unwanted visitor is going to pay me a visit,medicated myself immediently and now in bed.......hopeful my fibro visitor will disappear as soon as he arrived.........
For those that are not too familiar with Hydrotherapy therapy........
What is Hydrotherapy?,
Hydrotherapy is an alternative therapy that uses water to help cure illness and maintain good health. Hydrotherapy makes use of water in a variety of different forms, including steam, and ice, in order to relieve muscle pain,
What is Hydrotherapy?,
Hydrotherapy is an alternative therapy that uses water to help cure illness and maintain good health. Hydrotherapy makes use of water in a variety of different forms, including steam, and ice, in order to relieve muscle pain,
increase circulation, and improve health. Also known as balneotherapy, hydrotherapy is practiced by licensed hydrotherapists, physical therapists, and naturopaths.
How does Hydrotherapy Work?
There are various different theories regarding how hydrotherapy actually works. Most of these theories focus on two properties inherent in water: temperature and buoyancy.
Water is an excellent substance with which to carry temperature through. It can retain cold and heat in a form that can easily be applied to the body. These temperatures then affect the ways in which the body works. In particular, temperature helps to aid in the dilation and constriction of blood vessels. This change in the blood vessels allows for improved circulation, better waste removal, and faster healing.
Water also appears to be an effective pain reliever because of the buoyancy it offers. Water helps to support all areas of the body, contributing to reduce muscle and joint strain while invigorating muscles. The natural movement of water also helps to stimulate touch receptors in your skin. This causes your body to produce electronic impulses, which trigger the release of various chemicals and hormones. These hormones help your body to heal and feel
How does Hydrotherapy Work?
There are various different theories regarding how hydrotherapy actually works. Most of these theories focus on two properties inherent in water: temperature and buoyancy.
Water is an excellent substance with which to carry temperature through. It can retain cold and heat in a form that can easily be applied to the body. These temperatures then affect the ways in which the body works. In particular, temperature helps to aid in the dilation and constriction of blood vessels. This change in the blood vessels allows for improved circulation, better waste removal, and faster healing.
Water also appears to be an effective pain reliever because of the buoyancy it offers. Water helps to support all areas of the body, contributing to reduce muscle and joint strain while invigorating muscles. The natural movement of water also helps to stimulate touch receptors in your skin. This causes your body to produce electronic impulses, which trigger the release of various chemicals and hormones. These hormones help your body to heal and feel
Am really not feeling too good, will close for now and listen go a Relaxation CD.....Here's hoping it will scare my fibro visitor out of my personal space....... Chest is beginning to feel heavy........and jaw pain becoming stronger........
Warm thoughts to all who feel similar.....
F is for fibromyalgia..........
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