Through this journey into the Fibro abyss.... I had recently made a decision to begin a local support group.
With support from my eldest who is also inflicted with this torturous condition...
We have began the journey....
This was initially out of lack of access to local support or knowledge...
As you All know if your a treatment was in Melbourne but unfortunately that's where the indepth support ceases....
I am an avid reader,researcher....and can't help but continue to search for further info relating to this is only fair that if I am blessed with the enthusiasm and drive to do this I....
Feel the need to share....and give back to others...Not everyone is as blessed as I am with loving family and friends.....or the opportunity to do this....
If gorgeous hubby will often be searching too...
Peer support will provide a sounding board for us all...and will provide opportunity
To grow and learn from each others experiences.
In a couple of weeks we will have our first exited! I. Can't believe we will actually be able to meet others in the same boat.....
Please spread the word further....out into the community....
I have also began a dedicated Facebook Page....feel free to view and encourage others to access..
It will be great to spread Fibromyalgia Awareness.....
This is also advertised on
And will also hopefully appear in this week's minner under community events.
Here's hoping for a successful first meeting!
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