Monday, August 13, 2012


Well....I have just discovered out something new about Fibromyalgia,it's not often that I am glad to hear my extra little things are associated but....when it came to my vision.....and how my eyes have been feeling I could only be greatful it was nothing more.....

Fibromyalgia dries the mucus membranes within the eyes,nose and mouth.
It can be very painful,uncomfortable,and create blurry vision and associated headaches.

Some sufferers find night driving very difficult with the glare of night lights,and some are challenged with flurorescent lighting.

Some will need to always use dark glasses to assist with sensitivity and some will just use sun glasses to lessen the glare.

Fortunately for myself I only had a lot of discomfort every day,it felt like cotton wool was in behind my eyeballs.
Upon visiting my Optometrist it was clear I had very dry eyes....also associated with my Fibromyalgia.
This was great news. I was so worried about how they I am really glad and only have to put eye drops into template regular.

So for any other Fibromites.....If your having difficulty with your eyes...... It may be due to your to always seek medical advice though.

Finished my morning at work and felt  the fatigue fill my body.Needed to rest for a while......and with all my might....mustered the strength to head off to hydro......feeling good about my decision.....Hydro was great...and very relaxing.Decided I will now note how my pain levels are on my Hydro night....with the past week being challenging with multiple flares....I think it will be worthwhile to compare my days.....I can't encourage anyone enough with fibro to pace yourself with any physical activity ......this is essential.....

F is for Faith.......

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