Thursday, November 15, 2012

For is for...... Future....

The roads I have taken recently have been long...
Bumpy.... And so damn dusty....

Have found it so difficult to shake my fibro visitor...In fact his strength has gained as he has weakened my energies.... And drained my soul.

I have spend considerable time in hospital...and even they find my unwanted visitor difficult to shake....he just laughs in their face....they bring out their big guns....mainly oxcycontin as it appears to be the only one I tolerate.

 My unwanted visitor weakens but he still lingers....leaving me weak and ready to anticipate the next frightening visit.He's also found a way to push his way through and bully my other organs as well.He stopped my bowell...
Then at the same time my bladder! He definitely is my bodies bully....and is forever having the other organs running scared.It hard to stop his intimidation and get them all back on track....
He is relentless....and now regular laughs out loud at all the medical profession.

I'm putting great hope and faith in me pain management specialist at the Epworth....not only his good looks and charm.....but I feel that he's has a great approach....actually listens and then we approach it together how I want to.....

I'm still having to go through nerve and muscle testing.... And cannot currently drive due to hand and arm weakness....Here's hoping this can be worked through in the coming weeks.My fibro visitor has already removed much of my former life that was once....
I don't need to also have my independence taken away...

I long for fantastic things to come in the future....independence to be returned.....  True friends to listen and support..... And a possible way of managing my inner battle with the daily challenges.....

I certainly don't show outside my home.... The truth of the inner battle going on.... It's hard work.... So it would be great if the battle didn't have to be fought on a daily battle...

Let's see how my unwanted visitor takes advantage of me as I am currently weaning off the Cymbalta and oxcycontin.Little does he know in a week or so I'm going to fight back....with avengence! Trying a new medication that is an anti epileptic is supposed to reduce the amount of neurons that are currently being fired off...see what he thinks of that!!!!!!

Any way will try with all my might to re continue to and you too can see how it goes...

F is for...

Future and Fibromyalgia.....

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